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Walking down the streets of Monaco, I couldn't help but get lost in the glitz and glamour of it all. The high-end boutiques and designer stores were like a fashionista's dream come true, I however was not a fashionista and felt highly out of place in my AirForce 1's.

"Check out those shades, Estèe! They're totally your style!" Adelie pointed to a chic sunglasses display.

Shaun added, "And that sneaker store, man, I could spend all day in there!"

We wandered into a store that had my heart racing (no pun intended) – a Formula 1 merchandise haven. Rows of sleek jackets, caps, and tees from different teams lined the shelves. But my eyes locked onto a rack filled with McLaren F1 gear.

"omfg look at this!" I practically squealed, holding up a McLaren hoodie.

Shaun raised an eyebrow, a teasing grin forming on his lips, "McLaren, really? Not a Ferrari fan?"

I chuckled, knowing that they would do anything to bring up Charles Leclerc. "Hey, I'm all about supporting papaya!"

Adelie joined in, playfully nudging me, "But Ferrari is like the ultimate team, Estèe. Charles Leclerc and Carlos Sainz are killing it!"

I grinned back, still holding onto the McLaren hoodie, "Oh, I know! But McLaren's got Lando Norris and Oscar Pastry, and they're pretty awesome too!"

As we continued browsing, we couldn't help but gush about our favourite drivers. Adelie was Team Leclerc all the way, talking about his impressive skills and his cool social media game. Shaun was all about Sainz, admiring his smooth driving style and the way he'd integrated into the team.

"And don't even get me started on the bromance between Lando and Daniel," Shaun said, shaking his head in amusement.

I chuckled, "Oh, I know! I miss them together so much. Plus, Lando's fashion game is on point!"

Adelie chimed in, "You sure you aren't talking about Lewis Hamilton?"

I snorted, "Bruv, are you serious Lewis Hamilton dresses like one of the 20p plastic bags from Tescos!"

Shaun started choking on air. "Estèe stop you're fucking feral man!"

In the end, I decided to buy the McLaren hoodie as a symbol of my support for the team. We left the store with our bags filled with Formula 1 swag and continued exploring Monaco's vibrant streets.

As we walked, I couldn't help but feel grateful for these moments – the teasing, the laughter, and the shared passion for Formula 1. Our differences in team loyalty only brought us closer as friends, and it was clear that our love for the sport was what truly mattered.

"Man, Monaco's got it all – fast cars, stunning views, and the best shopping!" Shaun exclaimed, taking in the bustling atmosphere.

I chimed in "Yeah I agree, but Monaco also has the sense of impending debt and homelessness, you really think an ordinary person could afford to live here! I reckon the homeless man on the corner has more money than my apartment costs and yet he's still on the street!"

Adelie nodded, "Monaco is fucked man. But lets still enjoy it before we have to go home and be povo again"

Then Shaun started narrating like we were in an episode of Greys Anatomy. "Whether it was Ferrari or McLaren, Leclerc or Norris, we were united by our love for Formula 1 and our unwavering support for each other – no matter which team we cheered for."

Adelie and I fell over laughing "Omg Shaun you're such a moron" we wheezed.

Shaun looked offended, "I'll have you know that BBC will be calling me up soon to narrate a TV show, and I'll kick you lot to the curb!"

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 20, 2023 ⏰

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