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I stood amidst a bustling family gathering, surrounded by relatives I barely knew. The air was filled with hushed conversations and the clinking of glasses, the atmosphere heavy with  sorrow. Despite the commotion, I felt a sense of detachment, as if I was an observer rather than a participant in the somber event.

Lost in thought, my attention was suddenly captured by a figure approaching me. It was a distant relative, a person I vaguely recognized from family photographs and stories I had been told. The relative, whose name I struggled to recall 'shit shit shit, this is gonna be soooo awkward!' I panicked, she had a kind smile and gentle eyes that sparkled with a mixture of empathy and reverence.

With a soft, sympathetic voice, the relative approached me and extended a small envelope towards me. The envelope was weathered and slightly yellowed, a testament to the passage of time and the careful preservation of its contents. My name was delicately written in flowing script across the front, the handwriting oddly familiar yet distant.

Intrigued and overcome by a wave of emotions, I accepted the envelope from the relative's outstretched hand. As my fingers brushed against the paper, I felt a shiver travel up my spine. It was as if my grandfather's presence had momentarily enveloped me, reminding me of the profound bond they had shared.

The distant relative spoke softly, her voice laden with tenderness. She explained how my grandfather had given it to them in the weeks before his passing. As I began to tear the envelope, the lady stopped me and told me that my grandfather wanted it to be read in private. "Damn did he like murder someone, am I getting some blood money or something?" A sharp look from the lady told me all that I needed to know, but she opened her fat mouth too... "This is simply not the time Estèe!" she scolded. 

"Damn who put a stick up your butt?" I muttered under my breath.

I carried on with the day, stuffing my face with the tiny food that was served by depressed looking waiters, "Jheez, a funeral must not be their dream job"I thought, vowing to find every little bit of humour in the day, to lighten the mood and distract me from the chasm where my thoughts lay waiting to swallow me up.

Hours later I began the venture home, public transport may not have been the wisest choice, because small children kept staring, to one of them I leaned forward in a jerking movement as if I was going to fight them, and the kid started to cry. 'You and me both kid' 

I sat in my grandfather's study, surrounded by antique books and the scent of aged leather. Sunlight poured through the tall windows, casting a warm glow on the room. The study held countless memories for me, memories of quiet conversations and the wisdom imparted by my beloved grandfather.

I felt a mixture of anticipation and nostalgia as I held an unopened letter in my hands. The envelope bore my name, written in elegant calligraphy, and it had arrived alongside the news of my grandfather's passing. The letter was an important part of my grandfather's will, a final gift from him to me.

With a deep breath, I gingerly broke the wax seal and unfolded the letter. My heart raced, and my hands trembled slightly. The words on the aged paper were carefully crafted, each one seemingly imbued with the love my grandfather had for me.

ma très chère Estée,

Je dois bientôt quitter ce monde et j'espère que tu sais que je t'aime. Tu es ma lumière brillante Estée et je sais que je suis ta seule famille, mais tu peux survivre à ça, tu es forte. 

Continue à écrire ta musique petit, tu es une source d'inspiration pour nous tous. 

Je vous encourage à explorer votre héritage et à suivre partout où le monde veut vous emmener. Gardez vos passions enflammées car les passions font des chemins de l'amour une aventure. N'arrête jamais de briller Estée tu es ma petite étoile.


Votre grand-père (et le plus grand fan ♥️)

my dearest Estèe,

 I have to leave this world soon and I hope that you know I love you. You are my shining light Estèe and I know that I am your only family left, but you can survive this, you are strong. Keep writing your music little one, you are an inspiration to us all.

I encourage you to explore your heritage and follow wherever the world wants to take you. Keep your passions ignited because passions make pathways of love an adventure.

Never stop shining Estèe, you are my little star.

Love,Your Grandfather (and biggest fan)

I thought about the dreams I had shared with my grandfather, the aspirations he had nurtured within me. This unexpected windfall held the power to make those dreams a reality, to bring forth positive change in the world. My mind remained anchored to the memories of my grandfather. I remembered his kindness, his unwavering support, and the joy they had shared. He had always believed in my potential and had encouraged me to pursue my passions. 

Tears dripped from my eyes splotching the paper but I suddenly felt a sense of inspiration I stood up, I was ready to live, that was until I hit my head on the shelf, which shook dust into my eyes, which rewashed me with an overwhelming wave of sadness. I flopped back down into the comfy armchair, and sighed.

Then I heard a knock at my door...


1053 words.

omg, sorry for the delay i really could not be bothered i had so many exams and was studying as well but lack of motivation...

anyways chapter today because its my birthday 🎂🥳 and i was proper sad that charles qualified P19. BUT LANDO P3 YAY 🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳

- lex <3

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