Keefe's POV
I was just in my little, stuffed room (I prefer living here then with Daddy Dearest) before I overheard the Neverseen talking. Wait what! Talking?? I better eavesdrop. This might be vital information for the Blackswan I slowly walked over to the door and pressed my ear against it.
"Without the Moonlark, the Blackswan would be hopeless. Sophie Foster is the only hope they have got." I heard Ruy say.
"That means if we capture her then it would be game over... Why didn't we think of this before?" asked Gethen.
"Slowly we attack. One attack after another. Taking the Moonlark hostage and killing her would be our final blow. I want them to be tortured and feel the pain of being framed as the 'Bad Guys' before we smash them. I want then to feel the pain of what we felt..." Fintan said with a purely evil tone.
"Okay, this meeting ends here," stated Gethen.
"Wait! One more thing. Tomorrow we are pushing Keefe's trust for us to the limits. We need to be sure we can trust him. If we are going to murder the Moonlark it would be him doing it." Fintan whispered with a grin.