Chapter 15

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"Hey kid." Sapnap shouted at the blond haired boy.

"What do you want Sapnap." He responded quietly. Looking down at the ground. His shoes were becoming interesting to gaze at.

"Where's your manners? He's your senior. And you should be looking at the person you're talking to." Punz butted in.

The kid didn't respond. He only continued to stare at the ground. Completely ignoring the people around him. Before he knew it. A punch collided to his stomach.

'F**k. That hurts like h**l' The child thought.

"That's for ignoring me." Sapnap stated angrily. But with a smirk forming on his face when he saw the kid fall to the ground. The child was consious. So they won't be in trouble.

'weak' Sapnap thought.

"You better do our homework. I don't care if you're younger than us. All you have to do is finish it. George, hand him our homeworks." Punz lifted the child in a standing position.

Grabbing the bag that the guy who was called George handed.

And thrown it to the boy.

"If you don't finish that by next week, you're going to get more than what happened earlier." Punz sneered.

There were other people there too. The boy who was called George. He looks like he's being forced to do it. Giving the child looks of pity. 'Don't you dare pity me Gogy' The boy thought.

The other was a tall brown haired boy. He was taller than them. He gave looks of sympathy and glared at Sapnap and Punz. But it seems like he can't do anything about it. The child finds the man a bit suspicious. Because of his secretive aura surrounding him like an invisibility cloak. He does look slightly familiar.

Then the bell rang and they went to their separate classrooms.

But the child.

"He did not wince nor cry aloud" (the line came from the poem Invictus by William Ernest Henly, to credits to him)

As people would say.

Yes. He did not wince. He only fell on the floor but stayed completely emotionless. He did not cry. No tears came down. His eyes are not watering. Maybe not aloud. But deep, deep inside. He cried an ocean so deep. You can see it through his eyes. His Ocean Blue eyes. Which were originally so bright. Filled with joy.  But when they moved it dulled. Maybe only for a little bit. But it happened.

If you stare deep enough in his gaze. You'll drown in the Deep Ocean he has made inside. He tried to tell his brother. To drain the deep ocean, but to his demise. He wouldn't listen. It seems he did not care for his little sunshine anymore.

Maybe his brother thought he was

A Dark Cloud, which blocks the sun.
A Dark Cloud, that sucks up all fun.
A Dark Cloud, that will emit rain soon.
A Dark Cloud, that will also block the moon.
(This must be an original? Because I've never seen anyone write this before. So yeah. It's a 1 paragraph poem! Wooo! My second original poem!!)

He can't believe that. Of course his brother loves him. They are family after all.

He wouldn't turn his back on him. Right?


Who is the secretive man this child is referring to?

Who is the child?

Comment your guess on who it is!

I hope you enjoyed this chapter! I really worked hard on in. Despite in being short. I took almost a month to post this one. But yeah!

This is your Author E11a_N1c3, wishing you all an amazing day!

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