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Y/n: Don't worry i am good at perfection

Jhope mind:I hope so

At cabin-
Y/n knocks
Rm: come in


RM:You are selected as my secretary here is your report you have to come to work from tomorrow at 6am

Y/n:So early?

RM:Any problem

Y/n:no no i am perfectly fine
Y/n mind: WT fish(a/n:we are family friendly 😊) who the hell comes to work so early

RM: here this is the rule book

Y/n:There is a rule book?

RM:ofc there is read it till tomorrow and don't make any mistakes or i won't hesitate to fire you ☺️

Y/n:Okay (confident) i will take my leave now sir

She left from there

RM: Let's see how much time you will be able to keep up with my pace Ms.Choi Y/n

Y/n at home

Y/n: Let's read the rule book now

She took out the book

Y/n:Why the fish is this book soooo biggggg(the size of the books my innocent army's 😇)

Y/n:How am I supposed to read it in one day ARGHHh God save me

And this is how a normal day in y/n's life went away

Next morning -

Y/n was getting ready it was 5:45am
Y/n went down

Y/n:Omo bro why are u up so early

Mark: Nothing i have a meeting today so

Y/n:Okay BTW can you send me to office today pls

Mark:What do I get

Y/n: pls ( puppy eyes)

Mark:fine only because it's your first day

Y/n:Thank you oppa i love you

Mark: Eww cringe

Y/n:I know right let's go

They reached the office
Y/n:Bro best of luck for your meeting

Mark:Thanks sis bye and best of luck on your first day as well

Y/n:Thanks bye

Y/n checks the time

Y/n:oh i am 5mins early good

Y/n enters her office which jhope showed her yesterday and settled down

At 6:05am-
RM enters his cabin
Y/n cabin was just in front of his cabin so as soon as he enters she went to his cabin

Y/n:Good Morning


Y/n:you are 1min and 5sec late

RM:what watch your mouth i am your boss

Y/n:Nope according to  your rules the working hours start from 7am so you will be my boss starting 7am

RM:how do you know that working hours start from 7

Y/n:I guess someone told me to read the rule book

RM:just go back to your work

Y/n:but atleast tell me what i should do

RM:go check the files of our project with Mr.Lee from the past 5years


RM :yes and complete it till 9am we have to go for a meeting with Mr.Min

Y/n leaves

RM mind: What's up with her i thought she would be shocked hearing 5years but instead she was afraid after hearing the name of Mr.Lee what is that she is hiding behind her happy face

Hey Army's
What do u think is y/n's past and do comment your predictions

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