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RM:Move in with me


RM:I know it's a bit to early as we just started dating but after what happened to you i don't want to leave you alone for even a second


RM:It's okay if you say no you have all rights

Y/n:I will move in with you

Rm:It's oka-.....................WAIT did you just agree?

Y/n:Yes (smiling 😊)


He picked me up in his arms and swung me around I laughed at his childish nature

After a few days ago-
Y/n POV:

You were in your cabin doing some work suddenly Namjoon call

Y/n:Aish this guy calls me in his cabin every single hour

You picked up the call

Y/n :I am coming

And ended the call....

You entered his office -
Y/n:What is it?

RM:I missed you (puppy eyes)

I was going to act tough and angry this time but.....his eyes doesn't let me


You went near him
Suddenly he pulled you and you fell on his lap

Y/n:Ahh....Omo what are you doing what if someone sees us

She said while blushing and Namjoon chuckled looking at the effect he has on her

He came closer and backhugged her she gasped

RM:So what if someone sees us?They will know it when we will marry anyways

He said making her more blush

RM:You look cute baby

She was now a red tomato

Suddenly Namjoon's eyes fell on her soft ,glossy lips and moved closer and she closed her eyes their lips were almost going to touch when ................

Jhope:Aish my innocent eyes 👀

He said and Y/n pushed Namjoon and got up and went from there in embarrassment

RM:Y/nah wait

He said but she already left and Namjoon shoot an angry glare on her bestie

RM:Argh you broke our beautiful moment

Jhope:She is going to move in with you in a week anyways you can have all the fun you want to have with her there............Leave it the most important thing is that Kang Kylie is here


Jhope:Yes now what are you going to do she will try to get clingy with you and if she got to know about your relationship she will also try to break you healthy relationship with Y/n

RM:Argh now what should I do

Jhope:Do whatever you want just make sure that girl doesn't reach Y/n you know right if she found out about her Kylie can even kill Y/n

RM:I am not going to let that happen I love Y/n and i promised her father to keep her safe

Jhope:She is going to pay a visit to the company tomorrow

RM:Why did you not defend

Jhope:It was her father on the phone and you know he is a big help to our company so i couldn't say no

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