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After a few days-
Y/n POV:
Y/n:....and this is the last file

You said while showing Namjoon the last file to sign

RM:Yes finally done

He said while pulling you into his lap
(A/n:I know it's a bit too common in my ff now but i get butterflies in my tummy everytime I write it😅)



RM:When are you going to shift with me i can't wait anymore (pout)

Y/n (mind):Scho cute let me tease this koala a bit

Y/n:I guess i won't come

RM:Ahh waeee (whinning)

Y/n:Haha i was just joking

RM:You are bad (pout)

Y/n mind:I just love the baby side he has only for me but when he gets dominant it's really dangerous for my lips.......... Ahh I just love this man

Y/n:How about I shift tomorrow

RM: Really?


You said while nodding

He swung you around as you laughed he placed you on his table and looked straight it your eyes

RM: Beautiful

He said while caressing your waist

Y/n:I-it tic-kles

You managed to speak in between your giggles

RM:Oh really

He said while doing it more

Y/n:A-h st-op

RM:what will I get in return

He said while smirking 😏

Y/n:W-hat do y-ou wan-t

He stopped tickling you and came closer to your ears


He whispered and you got goosebumps his voice just made magic inside you


RM: Pretty pls (puppy eyes)

I am just shocked with his duality he was just a dominant man right now and now he is a child
Well i love how he didn't force a kiss he cares about me so much

Without thinking a second time you pressed your lips on his the kiss was was a steamy kiss now your tongue were fighting with each other ,when you tapped his shoulder messaging that you are out of breath he did leave you lips but attacked your jawline he was sucking it hard he was going down to your neck when he stopped and looked at you for the permission to kiss your neck you smiled giving him the permission

He slowly and softly placed wet kisses on your neck and started sucking it you were trying hard to control your moans but a soft moan eventually left your mouth, he stopped

Y/n:what happened ?

RM:Your moans are making me needy and i don't want to fuck you now as i know that you will only have sex after we get married

You smiled at the thought that he still remembers your wish

Y/n: I am sorry...... we can if you wan-

He said while placing his finger on your lips

You were looking down with a sad face

He held your chin and made you look at him

RM: Don't feel sad baby it's okay everyone has a opinion and it will be way more good when we have our first time on our first night

You blushed

RM: Don't worry I will not leave you a single night after marriage ,well ofc i won't force you or do it with lust-

You pecked his lips making him quite

Y/n: I trust you and I love you

RM: I trust you as well and love you as well

You both giggled

Next Day-
It was Sunday and you were shifting your things in Namjoon's house
You were finally done with the shifting you were resting your head on the sofa and left a heavy sigh

Namjoon gave you a cup of hot choco

Y/n:Yea choco choco hot choco

You sang

RM: you really do love my hot choco don't you?

Y/n:Ofc yours are the best.....


Y/n:After all that's the only thing you know how to make

RM:oh come on i also know how to cook................

Y/n:You also know how to cook?

He gave a glare at her
RM:Just eat your hot choco

You returned the glare with a more spicy one
He gulped

RM mind: Appa was right woman are scary


Y/n:Did you say something?

RM:Nope nothing........................

Hey Army's
Take Two is freaking amazing , stream that song on Spotify a lot and show them how much we love them💜💜💜💜💜💜💜

Hope you liked this part
Pls like and comment it gives me a lot of motivation

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