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RM:No nothing

Y/n: Anyways.........

Suddenly your phone starts ringing you picked up

Y/n:Hey Mike

RM mind:Such a third wheeler

Mike:Sup i heard that you shifted with someone who is it?

Y/n:It's my boyfie

RM mind:(proud)

Mike:Y-you have a boyfriend

Y/n:Ofc wae?

Mike:It's just that you never accepted any proposals in school afterall you got so many

RM mind:So many?

Y/n:Yes but you know i am a girl who always wanted her prince charming who she loves so i never accepted any of them in college and now that I have got my prince charming who I love I am way more than happy

RM mind:So i am her prince charming (smiles)

Mike: I see anyways bye i have some work

Y/n:'Kay bye

You ended the call and looked at Namjoon
He was smiling

You touched his head to check if he has a fever He flinched


Y/n: What yah?you were smiling like an idiot are you sick?

RM:O-fc not now get aside i gotta make the dinner

He left and you were left thinking what happened to him.....you widened your eyes

Y/n:Wait did he just say he is going to make the dinner.........HEY WAIT JOON I DON'T WANT TO DIE ON MY FIRST DAY IN THIS HOUSE WITH FOOD POISONING

Saying you went towards the kitchen

After dinner:
RM:The food was yum

Y/n:It was our good luck that you did not burn the kitchen before i came

RM:Shut up


RM:Let's go to sleep

They went to their rooms to sleep

Next Day:
You were working in your cabin when someone barged into your cabin you flinched

Y/n: Excuse me whoever you are please respect the privacy

??:I don't give a fuck about your privacy

A girl came from behind the man............your eyes widened it was.............


Kylie:Yes me

Y/n:Why are you here

Kylie:To fix my marriage with Namjoon


Kylie:Yes i told you I will snatch him away from you

Y/n:And do u think he will marry you

Kylie:He has to my father will make him agree

She said and went away
I was shocked I went to Joon's cabin to tell him

At his cabin:



When a man entered his cabin


I was beyond shock why do all people of the world have to come to attack on the same day

Mr.Kang: Namjoon i am here today for a special reason


Mr.Kang:Marry my daughter


I looked at Namjoon hoping he would say no
But the next sentence he said made me numb


I could not process what was going on here i just wanted to burst into tears but controlled myself not wanting to burst in front of Mr.Kang I was just to hurt i felt that my world just rejected me

Mr.Kang:You are intelligent Don't worry i will make all the arrangements just marry her at the end of this week

He left and I......was just a dead soul in an alive body

I left from there I heard Namjoon calling my name but I just couldn't think straight and ran

Y/n:Just Why why me

Hey Army's
It is already 13June in Korea so Happy 10th anniversary to our lovely BTS and us Army we love them in the past,in the present and in the future Love them💜💜💜💜💜💜💜 Shower them with loveeee!!!!!

Hope you liked the part

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