Poor women.

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Times like this were cruel and....horrible. You would never be able to actually take a moment to live. It would be work, serve, repeat. Not once would the cruel king let a woman take a break. He saw women as Imbeciles, a meer waste of space. He thought women would never win, and only men were capable of things.
"but please sire..." A women said, scuttling next to king.
There was no point in trying to reason with the king. He would not listen, he hasn't ever gave sympathy.
"No. A promise is a promise, and I plan to fulfil that promise if you talk back. Now, why don't you go over to evilene other there, she can show you around." He said bitterly, turning over to evilene.
The woman-now that you could get a good look at her- was a beautiful young pale woman. She was a tall brunette, and had green eyes to complete the look. As the king left, the woman began to speak:
"Please..just tell me how to make this easy."
"Make what easy?" evilene asked.
"Well...I have 2 kids and a husban-well..used to." She paused, letting evilene take it in. "Basically, our family was happy, but miserably poor. The guards found about this and reported it to the king. His only solution was for me to be a maid, along as you. I refused, I didn't want to spend the last of my life doing-this..but since I refused, he decapitated my husbands head. He, thankfully did this while the children were asleep, but he warned if I refuse he will do the same to the children. I couldn't say no. He took my whole life away by doing that. My true love, soulmate, gone. My children, they don't know about-you know. I don't know what to do with this.."
As soon as she stopped she started to cry. She started to cry louder and louder, but it later faded as closer the king got to them. evilene gave her a hug, trying to use any bit of comfort she could.

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