~Chapter five~

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Douma's POV

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Douma's POV

Something is changing with us. Ever since we were assigned that mission, I felt like something was going right for me and him. He never has acted like this with me. It's like he's starting to like me! How exciting, but something doesn't feel right about it. I wanted this, I wanted him to like me. But it didn't feel right. I will get used to it eventually.. hopefully.... What if he's just doing this just to get away from me quicker. Don't think negatively, it's probably nothing and he is actually warming up to me! Thinking on the brighter side made me feel better about myself and this whole situation. My heart started to beat fast and my face felt hot just from thinking about him. Am I sick? No, I can easily just fix myself right up! This is something else.  Maybe I should stop overthinking, I do this everyday! I go on with my day, helping the ill and hurt and listening to their prayers and praises.

Akaza's POV

Somehow falling asleep a few hours ago, I woke up on the floor. Feeling my surroundings and trying to get an idea on why I am here again. I finally remembered why, standing up to slide open the door. Someone was watching me when I opened the door, it felt powerfu— it was Douma!.. "Ah, good morning Akaza-dono~!" He exclaimed to me, running over with arms wide open to hug me. Not able to think quickly, he hugs me tightly. I whine a little, the embrace crushing my ribs. He stopped the hug, patting my head. I pushed him away, blushing from embarrassment. Some people stared at us with confusion, mainly at me due to my inhuman looks. "What are you guys looking at? He has a birth defect so that's why he looks like this, poor soul.." Douma tells the staring individuals, they all turn away and do whatever they were doing.

Douma's POV

Of course, they all believed me. How unfortunate, people here are all foolish for falling for this whole thing. I turn to him with my usual and warm smile. "Let's go somewhere so others won't bother us~!" He just nods at my suggestion. I go towards a place where only I and a select few go to. "What is this place. What do I do here?." He asks me with curiosity and suspicion. "Why, this is just a place where I like to stay alone sometimes! You can do whatever here, just.. don't break anything!" I answered him, patting his shoulder after assuring my answer to him. He just scoffs and looks around the room. I turned around for a second, looking outside the door. After hearing a crack from inside, I quickly check to see what that was. He broke something. "What happened, how did you do that!" I ask him, it was a vase made by Gyokko! He will get slightly pissed when he finds out his work of art is broken. "Oops, that vase looked stupid anyway." "That was made from Gyokko-dono! Don't say it looks stupid, it was on display for a reason.." He looked at me with an unamused face, however I could see he was somewhat 'sorry'.

Akaza's POV

I have to admit, I did feel bad. He seemed very sad when the vase broke. But it was just a dumb vase, it didn't even look pristine. "..Sorry I guess. I will clean the broken pieces." I walk over to him, looking up to stare into his rainbow eyes. He probably believed me as being sincere, which I somewhat was. "It's okay, I forgive you because you are too cute to be mad at!" He cups my cheeks with his cold hands. I start to blush a warm red color that matched my hair. "Don't worry, I can clean this up myself. It was an accident after all~! Gyokko-dono will still be mad though." He stopped holding my face, going over to the broken ceramic pieces. Some sharp parts of the ceramic cut his glass-like skin, but he finished picking them up and throwing the pieces out. His cuts quickly healed the second I saw them though.

Douma's POV

After cleaning up the mess, I went over to him. "Let's do something exciting.. something fun at least! It's boring here.." He didn't respond to me, was he daydreaming or something? It didn't matter though. I gripped his shoulders and shook him awake from a daze. "Wh-what? What do you want.?" He asks me with annoyance, he was slightly red though! I decided to point out his blush. "What's with the flushed face, Akaza-dono? Is everything okay?" I questioned him with genuine concern with a slight bit of teasingly intentions. "Nothing! Don't ask me such stupid questions, is that you shook me?" He announced with even more blush on his face! He was getting really embarrassed, I can tell. Guessing he gets really flustered when he gets teased.

Akaza's POV

He was really pissing me off with his teasing! It was making me extremely flustered, it was too much for me to handle. "Well, the reason I gave forth to you waking up again is because I wanted to know what we should do together~!" He repeated from last time, I did hear him the first time but I didn't answer him. The thing I was daydreaming and thinking about was him cupping my cheeks with his hands! I couldn't get it out of my mind weirdly enough. "Well, we can just walk around and talk.. It's not like I want to hang out with you! I just have nothing better to do." "You find hanging out with me better than training~?" He teases me, he ran his hand through my hair. It wasn't true that I found that hanging out with him was better than training! I just didn't want to train right now.. "N-No, get your hands out of my hair! Just shut up and let's walk around." I grabbed his hand, practically dragging him outside the room.

^ Chapter 5 - END ^
{Words: 1025}

"What is this feeling..?" - Douma x AkazaWhere stories live. Discover now