~Chapter ten~

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Akaza's POV

"This is ridiculous, isn't that also considered cheating as well?! It wasn't fair, so I had to do something to you back." I snarled, he had a look that said that I had a point. But knowing him, he would say something utterly stupid. "So?", is all he could say. That angered me, now I just think that my feelings for him are dull and just dense. Why did I even have those stupid 'lovey-dovey' emotions for Douma? All he puts up is obnoxious behavior and doesn't do anything to stop. The room went silent. We sat there staring at each other, waiting for either an pissed response or an annoying follow-up. I didn't want to say anything, knowing he would just tease me and reduce me to nothing. Nothing but an emotional mess. I know he just wants to make us warm up with each other, it worked. But now it led up to here and I don't even know if we could ever get along. I rather would die than do so anyway. His calm and smiley look washed away and now it's devoid of fake emotions. He wants me to say something, I know that now. But why respond when I can just leave out of this room? He wouldn't care, he never did. Not once for anyone, he's just selfish and only wants what he desires. Like how he wants us to get along, knowing I don't want that. I took in some air and exhaled, calming myself down before breaking the silence. "If you think us kissing was going to get us closer, you were wrong. I'm going, don't follow me." I told him with a slight pissed tone in my voice. It was hard to contain my anger for him. I lifted myself up and left him in the room, alone.

Douma's POV

Alone, like always! Wow.. he was right though, I thought us doing such activities would make his hatred for me leave. He slid the door open and slammed them closed. It was a little loud for me, flinching at the noise. A gust of air hit me before.. silence. Is it nighttime still? Why is it so quiet? I hated the soundlessness in here. It was normal for me to be so lonely all the time but, it felt different now. Why now? Did this feeling have to do with Akaza leaving me? He didn't have to go.. I want him back here. Maybe I shouldn't have done that, I know how he's like anyway. Something in my body ached, it stopped. It's happening again. Every time I think about his abrupt exiting, something in my chest just starts to hurt. My ears rung for a brief moment before more silence. I never knew how much I hate being in rooms with no noise or anyone to begin with. I turned around to an entry way to a small room where my followers sleep. This room was empty and had one bed. Nobody is here so looks like I can just rest here, I didn't know what time it was so I assumed it was close to night. I'm tired. Too tired to keep dealing with the silence. I plopped onto the neatly-made maroon colored bed and laid there. "Maybe talking to myself would help me fall asleep." I said with a null smile on my face, my eyes averted to the ceiling. I stared at the same spot just talking to myself, thinking someone is listening yet nobody was. I just hated noiseless rooms and this is what I had to resort too. It worked, I felt a little less uncomfortable about the quietness and fell asleep.

Akaza's POV

I didn't really exit out the room. I did, it's just that I didn't go far from where I exited. Douma never went out of there, was he doing something? Maybe I should check in case if he did something stupid. I slid open the door slowly, sensing him in a room next door. That's weird, how was I that distracted and never noticed this door. I opened it slowly once again, seeing his peaceful, sleeping body on a bed. It was quite luxurious in here too like most rooms, I would like to assume this was his room but there was no sign of him staying here multiple days in a row. If only demons could read minds of other demons like Lord-Muzan. I wonder what he was dreaming about. A soft sniffle was heard from his direction. What was that? I walked towards him and saw tears. Is he crying, is he having a nightmare? Has he been crying ever since I walked out? Questions filled my brain and none of them could be answered. Arms wrapped around my neck, it was Douma! He sensed me in the room close to him and he took that to his advantage. Shit, what did I just get myself into this time?! "..Akaza-dono.. you checked up on me~" His tone of voice seemed too tired to try his hardest to seem happy. He pulled me closer to him, making us forcefully hug. "Let go dumbass! And why are you even crying?!" I struggled and squirmed, trying my hardest to squeeze out of this uncomfortable position he had put me in. "I am..? Must be a bad dream!.." He finally let go of me, I sighed from relief of his sudden 'kindness'. That was surprising, usually he would just keep me there. "Could be, I could care less though. I'm going now, bye I guess." I didn't want to add fuel to a little flame burning inside Douma now. I had to go before this escalated. Before I could walk out of the room, he stopped me with little desperation in his voice, "Please, don't go Akaza-dono.. I don't like being left alone.."

^ Chapter 10 - END ^
{Words: 994}

"What is this feeling..?" - Douma x AkazaWhere stories live. Discover now