[3] "Him and his father..."

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title: Retrospection

title: Retrospection

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The oni was fascinated by his son's new behaviour... A glare that only the strongest of people can escape, a smile of his that only the evilest of villains could accumulate. He was truly different and the Lord of Darkness was immensely dwelling on that fact.

What kind of friends were his if they were set up for betrayal? Were they cruel to him, or did he just not want to follow the path the Cloud Kingdom set him up to follow with its intolerance to objection. Maybe even the longest of equations can turn out to be a pointless zero.

He broke the chains of it all - be it fate, be it his moral code's constriction and Harumi's cage...

Garmadon's judgement was clouded by the many months he spent trying to be 'good'. He immediately threw all that progress he had away when he had found out about what Lloyd and Harumi were planning - an alliance between a past princess and right hand of a dictator, a prophesied leader with an ability to defeat the darkest of evils and an evil that's one of the darkest himself.

Garmadon wanted to see what his son had in store. Had he really accepted his oni side? Had Lloyd followed in his footsteps despite the many times he pushed him away? He was desperately curious and so he met them at the entrance of the city canal - a place only three of them have shared.

Lloyd was there waiting, thinking... Thinking about the past and its haunting presence.


She snatched the mask and at that moment she turned stranger. He no longer knew her, but deep down, Lloyd knew he longed for that side of her, as twisted as it was, that bratty child in him never left him.

He knew why months upon months after her betrayal he turned cruel and cold, he was under her influence and he couldn't escape.

She unlocked a side of him he forgot about, she made him what he was today, she helped him return back to whence he came.

He couldn't help it anymore. He ached for destruction. And now he also found a certain beauty in watching the world burn to ashes with golden flames, while he was in the center of it all...

He didn't even notice his father approaching him while he harboured these sinister ideas in his mind.


"Hm...? Harumi will be here soon if that's what you were going to ask.", Lloyd said as his father did his signature hum.

"Hello!", Harumi smiled as she simply greeted.

"What took you so long? A longer meeting with the Crystal Counsel, perhaps?", Garmadon asked, "No, they don't get along well. 'Crystal Man' asked me to babysit them."

Lloyd snorted while Harumi glared at him in response, the Lord of Darkness just stood still and silent, slowly descending into his own little world.

Lloyd side glanced at Harumi before looking her up and down (Garmadon was near the entrance of the canal, Lloyd was opposite him leaning on the right wall and Harumi was to Lloyd's left) and smirked while Harumi raised her eyebrow, crossed her arms and tapped her foot a few times.

Seems like Lloyd forgot they didn't have a room but Harumi was oblivious to his flirting despite having used similar methods on him when he was the more innocent one.

Perhaps she was out of practice.

Harumi cleared her throat to catch the attention of the two that had stared into the abyss.

They snapped their heads to her and Lloyd just scratched the back of his neck in nervousness.

"Right so we need a plan to get rid of the Crystal King, free the S.O.G and unite the Crystal Counsel with them and let them join our cause.", Lloyd mumbled.

"But what is our cause exactly?"

"Full control over this city, maybe this realm, someday... Maybe wreak a little havoc.", Lloyd said quite innocently, Harumi couldn't take him seriously so she just stared at him to make him uncomfortable.

It didn't bother Lloyd, "It's all about creativity! But let's start off where we left off first.", he started with a close eyed smile and an enthusiastic tone that drastically changed as his face changed to furrowed brows serious demeanor to finish the sentence in a shivering statement.

Harumi admits that she is really attracted to this (and the last) version of Lloyd. She vowed to never fall in love with him again so she could carry out her plans but tormenting fate seemed to strongly disagree with her as she was now just next to him which was another torment by itself.

She could barely hold her urges in...

And that was a problem that couldn't be solved. Not anymore. She was soon to rule beside him and his father.


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