[6] "Like she used to..."

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title: A Path Towards Trust

title: A Path Towards Trust

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Lloyd and Harumi were both stuck in quick sand, in a very tight situation. The glider broke when coming descending into the trees, which was frustrating for Lloyd to say the least.

They had no way in coming out except for the sword Harumi didn't trust Lloyd with, the thing is, Lloyd knows it should've been the other way around if it hadn't been him giving into the voices that ran through his mind all the time and his oni blood that he tried so hard to get rid of, he now accepted it, he now accepted them.

He was clinging on threads as thin as silk and they finally tore apart completely. That cage was the last straw. As much as he loved Harumi, he couldn't help but have these intrusive, invasive and painful thoughts... "What if you killed her? What if you returned the favour, reenacted all the times she manipulated you, played her own game? What if you... Made her suffer?"

He was fighting himself, he was fighting his thoughts... The Oni and the Dragon were tipping away from the thin balance they had in him, they were fighting... He has had these spontaneous outbursts because of the Darkness that he welcomed with open arms so easily and the balance was completely, and utterly destroyed with that simple action.

This was no time to think about silly memories or what impact his Oni side had made... The more he thought about it, the more he wanted to rip those who wronged him apart... Starting off with a certain Anacondrai, a mechanized human, a Spinjitzu snake, a pink robot and a flying emo.

Oh... Oh! Where was Harumi in that vow of destruction you ask? Well, let's just say she was a special exception.

Harumi finally gave Lloyd his sword back and they got out of the quick sand.

Lloyd pulled her hand to get her onto firm ground.

Once she got out of the trap she immediately pounced on him, making him topple over on to the ground. She was on top of him and staring at him in anger, while Lloyd was looking at her confusedly.

"You ever do that again, I might just have to rethink our alliance."

"Uh-uh-uh! Remember what happened last time you tried to go against my wishes...", he said his eyes shining a brighter green while he flipped her over and stayed there for a few seconds challengingly.

She rolled her eyes and that made Lloyd's eyes shine even brighter, a red colour threatening to take over as he glared at her.

"Walk, Harumi.", Lloyd said monotonously, demandingly as he stood up, while pulling her up, his hand under her armpit, "Give me a second, Lloyd...", the platinum blonde said with a raspy and strained voice, "I said, walk.", Lloyd said through his gritted teeth.

He cut a vine and restrained her.

Why was Lloyd such an asshole? What got a stick up his butt? Harumi, of course — she was getting too comfortable and Lloyd's trust issues were going haywire.

Why did he make that deal with her again? Love, stupidity, and last but not least, choatic stupidity.

Harumi guessed she deserved that, the restraints and all. She was going to do more wrong anyways but at least not to him anymore.

At least not to him...

Lloyd suddenly heard a noise and he immediately brought a sword up to Harumi's neck, "Don't move.", he said quietly and choppily, his eyelids drooping in focus at his surroundings.

The ex princesses' breath hitched as she squealed in shock, Lloyd covered her mouth, scolding her with his gaze.

"Oh, he was just so hot... Why does he have to be attractive with everything he does? No, no... You don't love Lloyd. You don't need him. He was nothing but a pawn you used to get closer to your goal, a person you manipulated to mend your broken heart and get revenge...", she thought, lying to herself, "But your little plan didn't work, Harumi, did it? You are a pitiful girl like always..."

She shook her head in denial as her thoughts ended, with a devastating sentence, in a voice she was supposed to trust, in a voice she was supposed to know, in a voice she was supposed to aid.

The Crystal King was plaguing her woke mind like a parasite. He was sucking her life dry and leaving her helpless, not that he was aware, he had given her freedom, free will, long ago, he didn't know anything and she didn't plan on him finding out anything for the sake of both their lives.

So she kept quiet...

Like she used to...


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