everybody here was someone else before

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ALEX BROWN did not want to get up this morning at all no matter what anybody was thinking. It was a dull drab day in Hogwarts Witchcraft and Wizardry and all Alex wanted to do was go to bed no matter what.

From what he could hear from the Gryffindor table were the "marauders" making a riot like they always did. Alex could already feel the pounding headache that was beating sporadically in his head. He lifted up his head from the book he hadn't read two words and his eyes swept across the hall.

He made eye-contact with Regulus Black and he looked as tired as he felt. Regulus and Alex became unlikely friends in their second year and stayed friends ever since. It was an interesting friendship but the two made it work with the others in their group.

The Ravenclaw table was quiet with everyone keeping to themselves and their books. Nobody bothered Alex and it was peaceful. Alex took a quick look at his watch and realized that he had Transfiguration in 10 minutes. He did NOT want to deal with an irate Mcgonagall.

He swept his eye over his plate of uneaten food and thought, "I'm not in the mood" and left it lying there.

He had Transfiguration with the fifth years as well as every other class that he had. Alex was actually brought up a year after his "stellar grades" were shown as well as his "impressive magical prowess" according to Professor Filtwick. Alex didn't see the need to be put a year up but that's apparently what happened.

One of his saving graces was that Ravenclaws didn't share many classes with the Gryffindors. The only classes that were shared with the Gryff's were Astronomy and Potions which were alright with Alex. The less classes together the better in his opinion.

Nobody really paid attention to Alex and that was the way he liked it. Nobody paying attention to him meant that he could do what he needed to do. He walked fast to the classroom that he already memorized the way too in his first year after a couple of days.

He absentmindedly patted himself down to make sure that he had everything not liking himself to be unprepared. Soon Alex was sitting at the back of the class already zoning out having no care in the world. Professor Mcgonagall came in and started talking and Alex officially checked out for the day. He knew that it was mostly going to be a lecture based period that Alex couldn't be bothered to take notes for.

He was sitting by the window and he absentmindedly watched the clouds move at a slow pace while trying not to fall asleep at the same time. Finally the bell rang and it was time to go to his next class which was unfortunately potions. Alex didn't hate the subject but he despised taking it with the Marauder's of all people.

Since it was Alex's sixth year, a year after OWLS he was placed in the n.e.w.t courses. Along with him were the marauders, lily evans as well as some slytherins. Thankfully Pandora was in the same class as him so it wasn't as horrendous.

"Famous last words" he thought to himself as he made his way into the brightly lit room that made him want to sear off his eyeballs. Professor Slughorn was singing praises about Snape and mooching up to some of the more "influential" people. It was mostly student's who had parents that were in the sacred 28 or some other bs.

Alex dragged himself to the back of the room while cursing everything in all of holy existence because he would like to reiterate that he didn't want to be here at all. He could already here the rowdy marauders walking through the door with Remus Lupin, and Sirius Black talking and laughing while Peter Pettigrew adding comments.

The golden power couple James Potter and Lily Evans walked in through the door arguing very loudly and passionately. Alex didn't want to know and he didn't care enough to know. In his potions class there were 15 students. So when everyone paired up almost everyone had a pair besides one person which was usually Alex who didn't mind at all.

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