watch us go 'round and 'round each time

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The class period ended and Regulus and Alex walked to lunch with Regulus quietly murmuring about some of the theories instead of "the problem". That's what Regulus was going to call it and he was going to be sticking with that name.

He hummed along to some of the frankly interesting theories that Regulus was talking about in Arithmancy and Alex was thinking about ways that he could tie that with runes. Alex had no qualms as to not sit with the Slytherins with Regulus and that's exactly what he did.

He's been sitting there since first year so they had to get used to him. Alex wasn't a rowdy person so people besides his friends never really noticed him there until someone pointed him out. It was funny when they looked over, did a double take then rub their eyes in confusion.

Reggie would flick a galleon into the "shock" pile that's been growing since their first year. It was amazing since they converted all their earnings to muggle money and blew it all on arcades. It didn't take long for Alex to convince Reggie to go. Well he wasn't convinced he kinda just forced him there and made him have fun and realize that all muggle things weren't bad and his parents were a bit on the crazy side.

They spent the money last year by concocting this elaborate plan between parents into buying cheap plane tickets to America and Alex taking Reggie sightseeing in New York.

That was one of the craziest things they both have done and still can't believe that they actually managed to get away with it.

So far this year alone they've amassed a total of 72 galleons since September and it was currently April. They had a total of 358 pounds which was pretty impressive. It wasn't really a heartbreak for Alex and Regulus to spare a galleon when someone noticed Alex.

He supposed he should feel offended but at that point it was kind of funny and really helped in saving money.

"What are you two nerds talking about" Barty Crouch Jr. their other best friend along with Pandora and Evan Rosier followed suit arguing about something as siblings do.

"Runes" Alex answered

"Your stupidity" Regulus snapped back

Alex shook his head in amusement as he watched the other two have a go at... whatever they were doing.

He surveyed the great hall and noticed Lily Evans staring directly at him. Her green eyes burned a hole in his face and Alex pretended like he couldn't see anything despite the glasses shoved on his face.

He was brought back to the conversation with Pandora's teasing grin.

"Oh please don't-"

"Oohhh are we talking about unshakable "xandy" tutoring his most hated couple" Barty crowed

Alexander hate that stupid nickname but Barty would never let it go.

Alex groaned, "There not-"

Once again he was painfully cut off with Regulus smirking, "He's forced to tutor them for two whole days every week until N.e.w.t.s"

Alex glared, "die all of you"

Pandora hushed him and spoke in conspirate tone, "Do you think they can break the academically genius's stone cold heart."

Alex complained slightly louder, "There soulmates for heaven's sake"

Before anyone could say a thing more a menacing shadow fell over their section of the table. Surprise surprise it was snape waltzing in like some d-grade villain that his dad had fun teasing.

"Brown a word" Snape hissed discontentedly

Alex looked at him with a dead eyed stare and mockingly hissed back, "Severusss, a pleasure but i'm quite busy here"

Pandora and Evans snickered quietly in the background while Regulus hid a grin and Barty snorted with no shame at all.

In Slytherin it was a big rule in etiquette to call people by their last names until said person gave permission to use first names. Alex couldn't give one less foot about that and it took great pride in them by irritating all the annoying purebloods using their god given name.

It brought him utter glee when he casually brought up their name in the same mock way they liked to insult his bloodline family, his grade, how much of a swot he was, how unkempt he kept his hair and on and on.

Alex would stand there and quietly smile and say a simple "Thank you ___ I will rectify those mistakes immediately when you fix your foul mouth."

And then he would go on a tangent of systematically pulling out every point as to how they are incorrect, untrue and gossip.

He'd then say something about ego and jealousy and their parents not loving them enough which means they have to take their anger out on something and instead of doing that go to a mind healer.

That part of the speech really got them angry to Alex's sick satisfaction.

Some flounder, some bluster and some try to hex him but Alex was always ready with a shielding charm and an alibi.

Snape's eyes harden, "I don't believe you heard me."

Alex was already done with the conversation from those two words and whined in his head, "Can't he be his creepy oily self somewhere else?"

Alex rolled his eyes hard, "I'm busy right now, i'll talk to you when my mood feels like it and i'm not in the mood".

"Yeah shoo" Barty gestured

Before Severus could say anything else his attention was caught by one of the wannabe death eaters that Alex didn't bother to learn the name of.

It was obviously customary to give Alex a sneer but he sneered right back. He never got the reason for the surprise looks he got back when he returned the same response people gave to him.

His father explained to him the concept, "An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind"

Yes, going back and forth gets you nowhere. Alex's philosophy was too hit 'em where it hurts psychologically because bones and bruises stay but mental trauma is forever.

When he finally walked off Alex blew a sigh of relief

He was regretting taking that sigh when he noticed what time it was.

"Alright time for me too leave" Alex announced getting up from the bench with Evan jeering in the background, "to your loversss"

Alex gave him the bird and Evan sputtered while Pandora and Barty cackled behind him. In all that noise Alex didn't notice Peter Pettigrew giving them curious looks. 

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