aint it funny

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Alex was trying to hide himself when he saw James look for him in confusion. He knew that James might've felt something but he didn't make skin-to-skin only Alex did when he grabbed James' wrist. James only touched his waist which was interesting.

After checking the potion to stir Alex put his head into his hand and wanted to groan out loud because of course something like this was going to happen. Just something he needed, more drama, and that's what he was trying to avoid for the life of him.

His friend group actually consisted of Pandora, Barty, and Regulus. He didn't really see the need in talking to a bunch of people and liked it that way.

Alex already felt stressed out enough dealing with his family and school and now he has to worry about soulmates.

It wasn't rare to have more than two soulmates but it was rare to find them after the age of 13. As every year goes by your bond gets weaker and weaker until by the age of 17 it ceases to exist. Alex was 15 turning 16 in a couple of months. He had about a year and a few too accept the bond.

Since James and Lily already "found" each other it wasn't really necessary for Alex to be part of the relationship but apparently magic decreed that he has to. Now Alex was running on a time limit which wasn't bad but still stressful on top of other things to reveal his part of the bond to Lily and James or deal with the sickness which then leads to you know where.

He didn't really care about the concepts of soulmates after seeing the detoritation of his parent's relationship as soulmates. Sometimes it just doesn't work out no matter how much magic wants to and the bond will dissolve itself until a way

The bell rang and Alex quickly walked out the room to his next class which was herbology while pondering over his situation. He still had to tutor both of them. Pandora slipped him a note when leaving the class, and it was the time that James and Lily agreed on.

He skimmed through the note while walking absentmindedly to class and realized he had to meet them on Tuesdays and Thursdays for 2 hours.

"Dang how bad at runes do you have to be" Alex thought to himself amused

Today was a Thursday so that meant today he had to teach his soulmates.

Once he walked into herbology he dragged his feet to sit down at the near back because he wasn't in any mood to think about work. Alex absolutely hated it when all his achievements were minimized to how "smart" he was. Everything he did was met with derision because of course he was smart enough to do the expected thing.

He hated when people thought it was easy to get where he was today.

Professor Sprout came to the front of the room and Alex thought, "Oh thank god we got lecture based today"

Did he take any notes at all?

Absolutely not

The class passed by in a daze with quiet scratching of quills and Professor Sprout going on and on until the bell finally rang.

Alex just had another two classes which were Defense and Arithmancy until he could sequester himself back in his dorm before he had to tutor Lily and James.

Since Arithmancy was an elective and Regulus had pretty high grades in that class he was able to take the owl and sit with the sixth years.

Alex found it quite irritating to be moved a year up since he wanted to just stay with his friends but instead he was stuck with people he didn't know or want to know. He walked quickly too DADA so he could just get this day finished with. He shared it with the Hufflepuffs which hey they were sweet but a little irritating at times.

He assumed they didn't like him because he was a year younger or he'd always manage to get the correct answer before. Alex couldn't care any less about that and kept his hands down anyways. It was the professors who always saw the need to call on him.

The Ravenclaw's didn't like him because of him skipping a grade and his simple way of doing things and simply not caring, and the less to say about some of the Slytherins the better. They didn't like him because of his lineage as a filthy half-blood with a disgraced pureblood and mudbloods as parents.

Alex couldn't find it in him to care and found it funny when his cousin who was a second year tried to insult him.

It brought him great joy to look the 12 year old in the eye and say, "I'm still the heir and will be the lord dearest".

Alex was petty when he wanted to be and had no shame in admitting that. Even if he had to say it to a child but whatever.

The Gryffindors were interesting, some acted like the hufflepuffs or the ravencalws and there were a few straggler that were on the slytherin side.

Alex simply did not care, he was at Hogwarts for his dad once he graduated he was never setting foot back in Britain ever again. He'll keep the family name of course just to spite his aunt and uncle but that's it. His dad knew of his feelings about the matter and firmly supported him.

In the defense classroom they were currently learning about the Patronus spell, a difficult spell that they were expected to perform before there n.e.w.t.s. At the moment the class didn't seem to be doing well and Alex watched that trainwreck happen while the demure professor ran back and forth trying to fix them.

Alex mastered the Patronus months ago when he was on an insomniac binge and felt like it. It took him about a week before he got it.

His patronus was a gazelle which was interesting to think about.

While everything was doing whatever that was Alex was humming a melody underneath his breath. It was quite catchy actually and was writing down the lyrics absentmindedly while waiting for time to pass.

He slowly tapped the beat out and the song was being written in his head. Alex was actually having fun while songwriting when the bell rang. He mentally groaned because really at this time the bell just had to ring?

Now it was time to go suffer in Arithmancy, the most boring class next to history of magic. Professor Vector would be teaching and Alex would mentally uncheck himself from the class period. Yes Regulus was there but even he was bored.

Alex also just realized that Severus Snape and Lily Evans were in that same class as well, he just never bothered to pay attention to that small detail until day.

Once walking into the room Alex chose to sit by the middle row since the professor had an habit of calling unsuspecting students in the back to answer questions. Alex was not about to be one of them so the middle row was safe.

He sat down tiredly next to Regulus who looked at him with a raised eyebrow, "What's wrong?"

"I'm tired" Alex whined tiredly

Regulus smirked, "Oh is tutoring the couple already bad enough?"

Alex scoffed, "I haven't even started tutoring them?"

Before Regulus could say anything else the class started with Professor Vector's drawling voice of boredom. 

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