Frozen ~ Jack Dawson

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"Y/n come on!" says Maya as her and Katherine pack their stuff to go to the ride. 

"I'm coming, I'm coming!" I say as I grab my stuff and go by the door. 

"... Where's Mia?" asks Maya, Mia's my little sister. Well, she's my twin but she's 5 minutes younger than me. 

"She isn't able to make it. She has plans with... What's his name? Walter? He gets on my nerves." I say as we walk out. 

"You sure you don't like him?" asks Kat

"Oh, I'm positive. He has puffy brown hair that always looks dirty and the dude never wears deodorant. I don't get how Mia is able to even be around him!" I say

"Whatever you say." says Kat, then we catch an Uber to take us to the submarine. 


Once we get there, I feel the wind brush against my hair as I take a smell of the fresh and nice air. The Uber driver helps us with out stuff as we go on the submarine. 

"Tickets please?" asks a man, and we show him our tickets, "Are you ladies Stephanie, Quinn, and Vivian?"

"No? Did those idiots put in the wrong name?" asks Kat

"That was a test, you passed. You may enter." he says as we laugh and find out seats. Luckily, I had the window seat. Maya usually likes making conversation with others and Katherine listens to the speakers. She's a big listener, as Maya is a big talker! I'm both. 

"Alright, everybody. I hope you enjoy this ride across the Atlantic Ocean. We will be going in very deep, but keep in mind that it is undoubtedly safe and just enjoy the ride." says the man through the speakers, after that, the info-audio as I call it plays. Ofc, Maya just speaks to me as Katherine listens to the audio. 

"I'm so excited for this ride! I've been hearing how the ocean is really deep and can be scary but honestly it's nature, what's the worse that could happen in a submarine? Anyway! Ooo! What if we see Titanic? I heard there were lots of hot guys on there." says Maya

"You do realize they'd be about a hundred years older than you and possibly dead..." I say

"Right... Anyway. Did you see the guy by the front? He's sooo hot! I'm gonna ask for his number, I just hope he isn't taken..." says Maya, and she just rambles on and on until I just stop listening bc I know she forgot I was listening and started speaking to herself anyway. 

After the speakers are done and all the info is finished, music starts to play. Starting with Celine Dion's My Heart Will Go On.

I sing along as the song goes, and just stare into the ocean, however I stop singing when the high note comes in, "YOUUUUUUUREEEEEEE HEREEEEEEE, THERE'S NOOOOOOOTHING I FEARRRRRRRRR".

The next song that plays is 'Come Josephine In My Flying Machine'. Ah, my grandma used to love this song. She died not too long ago. People say I look like her a lot, except I don't have that little pretty mole above her lip. She was beautiful when she was young, she still was when she died. I miss her a lot and so does my mother Molly. She was named by someone on the ship my grandma was on. My grandma even gave me a very rare diamond called Le Coeur De La Mer, or in other words, The Heart Of The Ocean. I always wear it, it makes me feel like my grandma is still here. Did I mention she survived the Titanic? I haven't told anyone yet. Guess you're the first to know!

The next song that came on was Faded by Alan Walker. I LOVE this song! I even preformed it once in the talent show at my school. 

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