chapter 7

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Ath- while drinking whiskey
She deserves this she did wrong to me every women are same
Ya are not wrong atharav you did right. Yeah u did right she deserves this yeah she deserves this.

After drinking more whiskey he sleeps there suddenly in middle of the night he wake up

Aaah my head
He scanned the whole room but there is no trace of her

Ath- where the fu*k she is
Ooooooh shit I have to find her I need to leave.

He checked the whole room then he enters other chamber after listening the sound of water .
Ath- she is showering in middle of the night .
He opens the door and the scene in front of him is totally horrible there Shanaya is inside the bathtub and there is some blood strains in bathroom.

He opens the door and the scene in front of him is totally horrible there Shanaya is inside the bathtub and there is some blood strains in bathroom

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What the heck .
He panicked

And started tapping his cheek to wake her up and tight her hand with tight clothes and made her wear something and started going outside .
She placed her inside the car and started driving insanely towards city hospital.
Shanaya please wake up plz Shanaya
In middle he called Sameer
Ath- please be there in city hospital
Sameer- what happened , are u okay? Where is Shanaya.
Ath- I am with her . I am taking her to hospital.
Sameer- what happened to her . What the fu*k u did to her u bloody ass*ole
Ath- I ... Please be there and please inform dad and Bhai
Sameer- okay, I will be there

In city hospital

Abhi- slapped atharav

U atharav Rajvansh what u had done to my daughter . How many time I had told u please give her time . U are the one na who love her insanely in
Ur teen days u know her from childhood but what u did to my daughter cheeeeeeee I am feeling pathetic that how could u stood this low
She is already broken she was in depression from past years u came after 5 years but didn't met her
She always use to come to house and ask abhi uncle when will atharav come but leave

Sudden demise of her mother made her heart broken
And to fulfill the last wish of my late wife I made her marry to monster

Due to which she tried to ki....
His words stopped in middle he started crying my bacccha

Ath- dad
Abhi- don't call me dad just go away go away I request you atharav Rajvansh please sir pardon me if I crossed my lines so sir u stay here I will take my leave
He started to leave
Ath- dad please I am going from here
Abhiraj- dad please

Sameer- I didn't expect this from u . She always loved u but u leave it. really u became a monster seriously u are devil 😈 atharav Rajvansh. ooh sorry sir pardon me sir my fault sir it's ur family matter and I am just..

Ath- leave this plz why u all are behaving like this I never had a thought that she will do something like this . I hate her but It doesn't mean that I want her to die

Abhiraj- ooh really what are u expecting after behaving harshly with a girl she will live with u politely a women who has no home according to her u are her home . I don't know what made her to do such things but let me clear I always consider her as my little sister I can't tolerate this I will talk to dad and convenience him for divorce.

After listening about divorce his face paled
Ath- noooo this can't happen . She is mine now mine no one has right to separate her from me no one.
Until death apart .
She is mine for 7 births mine
Only mine keep this in mind no one has right to separate her. No one

He left from there
18 hrs passes
Nurse comes outside
Sir she is awake u can meet her atharav is about to enter
Abhi- u are not allowed to meet my daughter mr Rajvansh

Ath- dad , but

Abhi- Shanu beta , how are u feeling
Sha- I am okay papa
Abhi- how dare u to harm yourself . Who gave u damn rights to play with ur life. U are my daughter first then his wife . I don't want u to stay with that monster I want u to divorce him.leave all this we will talk later . first tell me u want something

Sha- no papa it's okay
Papa I want u to make divorce paper ready as soon as possible and he did nothing it was my fault and u don't have to be angry on him . He deserves someone better not a pathetic women like me 🙏🙏🙏🙏 please dad don't
She started sobbing okay beta I will not get angry on him but u have to promise me .................................

Sha- dad how can I do this it is not easy for me to do
Abhi- yes or no everything depends upon u
Sha- but
Abhi- yes or no
Sha- okay dad

Abhi- comes outside atharav u can meet her
Ath- thanks dad
Ath- Shanu
Sha- lifted her eyes his full eyes ,undone shirt and red eyes are evedent that he didn't sleep last night

Shanu how are u feeling are u okay he tried to put his hand ✋ over her hand
But she pulled back
Sha- yeah I am okay
Actually I want to talk something
Ath- yeah
Sha- actually I need divorce.

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