chapter 8

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There is total silence in that room
Ath- what did u say
Sha- I want divorce
Ath- u need some rest I will talk to u later. Just call me.
Sha- I don't know what are u trying to do but I am adamant to change my decision. I hope u understand
Ath- u are in hospital bed otherwise I will give u better answer .I think medicine Hover in ur head that's why u are talking rubbish . I have alot of things to ask .
Sha- actually I am in my senses I just don't want to destroy your life . U deserve someone better not a wh**e like me who knows with how many ...
Ath- just stop I don't want to listen just stop it .
Sha- why these are the names that are given by you and why you are not able to listen . U said me those things so why u are not able to listen u should be happy na . Once a who#e always a...
Ath- just stop it . I didn't mean this it's just .
Shanaya started laughing manically like a manic tears are still rolling down from her eyes
Atharva looked at her shockingly it is easy to understand how much pain she is going through but the past that he had seen . it's just impossible for him to understand .

Sha- u didn't mean it . It's too easy for u na to break someone's heart . Why u forget our days where my chocolate boy use to pamper me . He can't tolerate tears in my eyes and now he is the main reason of my tears . I also deserves a life . I always waited for u as a lover, as a friend and as a supporter but u know what u failed in everything everything
Ath- are u sure u waited for me .
Are u really sure
Sha- yess
Ath- I just wanted a truth anything u are hiding to me I am ready to forget past just say me once and I promise I will become like the past atharav that u want ur chocolate boy . I just wanted to listen the truth.

Sha- I am not able to understand what past u are talking about atharav . U always bring that topic I just wanted to know just tell me that damn past which is creating havoc in my life. Just tell me dammit tell me.

Ath- u are not in ur right state we will talk about this matter later I will go and get ready ur discharge paper and one more thing get that divorce thing out from ur system u are mine . The day I filled ur hairline u became mine and no one has that right to separate u from me . Get it

After some hours

Shanaya is in the arms of atharav he is helping her to get inside the car she tried to protest even abhimaan tried to say no need but everything goes to vain.

Shanya is in the lap of atharav and he is caressing her head
And kissing her hairs gently
Sha- what happened to him suddenly
Shanaya is thinking
Ath- don't pressurize ur brain( vaise v kam dimag hai jayada kharch karogi toh khatam ho jayega phir jhelna mujhe padega na )
Sha- whattt did u say .u.... Crack...ed a joke.
Ath- why can't I

What happened to atharav why there. Is sudden change in his behaviour .
Is he faking it.
Comment me ur opinion

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