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He dropped the flashlight as he felt hands grab his shoulders. He tensed. Now trying to get away, but every attempt failed.

He was turned and couldn't see anything. Well obviously, the light was on the floor. But it was almost as the figure, ghost thing disappeared.

"Your in front...holding my shoulders...right?" He whispered barely audible. He heard a whisper right next to his ear.

A cool breath hitting against him "...yes..." Alex shivered. He nodded. "Was that you I saw?" He asked.

He heard a light hum, the tension and weight of a possible other person touching him disappeared. The feeling replaced with a cold breeze, signaling he hadn't left.

Alex let a shaky breath out as he reached for the light. He got a hold up it. Lifting it slowly. He turned and tried to focus his eyes with the little lighting he was getting.

Was he really respecting a ghosts boundaries...well yes. He was afraid if he didn't something way worst then rape would happen to him.

He gasped as he saw shoes. It pointed it up more, receiving the light being turned off. He put it back down by his sides.

The light flickered back to life. He stepped back. He looked at the shoes. They were dressy? in a special way.

Not something someone in 2023 would wear but sure, rock it.

The guy moved a little to the side. Alex watching every movement made. The ghost slowed down. "...am I scaring you..." the ghost asked.

The love a clear shaken whisper. Alex nodded slowly. He closed his eyes to breathe out. When he opened them the ghost's shoes weren't there.

He gasped slightly. Turning the light along with his head. He didn't hear anything, but he could sense the presence someone was there.

"What's your name anyway?" Alex asked as he stopped moving. He started walking over to the couch.

The living room wasn't that far, he walked slowly so that the ghost could see he meant no harm...though Alex didn't know if the ghost could feel harm.

He decided to not find out. He slowly sat down, placing the light down in front of him. He heard the ghost hum.

"...mhm..." It started. Standing a little ways away from the light. "...Not really sure..." Alex nodded. Looking straight in front.

"Why are you scared of the light?" He whispers. He heard the ghost's breath hitch. "...The sun burns me...I don't want to take the risk with any other light..."

Alex let out another shaky breath. "Alright..." he said, holding his own hand in comfort. "This whole, see you not see you...how does that work?" Alex asked next.

The ghost hummed. "...Well..." he said, he saw the light flicker off and then back on. He felt a cold breeze on his left shoulder.

A light breath. "...I do that myself..." he said placing a cold hand on Alex's shoulder. Alex gasped, shivering even at the coldness that went to his spine.

"How is that done..." Alex asked, turning his head a little towards where he thinks the ghost is. He's trying to be so calm...because if he's being honest, he wants to scream and cry.

He's never believed in the paranormal. But right now was really making him rethink, and question more.

"...Well, when I want to be seen I could make myself more solid. That's why you feel my hand..." he said slowly. "...When I'm not wanting to be seen, I simply am replaced by cold breeze..." he could tell this ghost was smiling.

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