:4-The Truth:

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Alex woke up from the smell of breakfast cooking. He heard Sam humming to himself and Ponk setting up the table.

He sat up, looking at Ponk. "Good morning!" Alex smiled. "Good morning." He didn't feel cold or anything.

He looked around. Not sensing the ghost that was with him last night. To be honest he felt bad about acting that way to Ghostbur. Yeah that's what he's calling him.

Ghostbur didn't do anything...Wilbur Soot didn't do anything either. He couldn't help he was born hot in the 1930's. Alex didn't know why he got mad.

He walked with Ponk though. To the dining area. He sat down in the seat Sam told him to. He sat there watching his 'parents' set plates and food down.

Alex smiled, looking at all the food. "This is only breakfast?" He mumbled to himself. I guess Sam heard because he chuckled lightly. "Yes it is, and I didn't know you knew your English so well." He said surprised and happy.

"My second language." Alex said chuckling nervously. He then felt a cold breeze. "...have to talk to you later..." he heard in his ear. He looked at both males. 'Guess they didn't hear'. Alex told himself.

He nodded though, in hopes Ghostbur saw he understood. He felt a hug? from behind him. Figuring it was Ghostbur since the cold wrapped around him.

He ate breakfast with his dad and his dads boyfriend. They made small talk. Mostly the two adults.

They informed Alex that he'd be alone tonight because they were going out on a date. He didn't mind. More time to apologize and talk with Ghostbur.

He's grown quite fond of the ghost he's known for a day. But who cares. He's talking to someone that's dead...that will never be able to hold him...

He shrugged of the feeling. They decided to give Alex the room Ponk slept in. Meaning the two would sleep together, Sam and Ponk, Alex didn't know why they didn't but who cares.

Alex moved his few clothes into the room. Feeling the presence of Ghostbur. "...this was my room before I was killed..." his airy voice said.

Alex looked towards the voice. "You remember that?" Ghostbur hummed. "...i did research...I didn't like you sad about this Wilbur guy..." Alex nodded.

"I want to apologize for that...you didn't do anything." Ghostbur hummed. The blinds closing instantly. Ghostbur appeared in front of Alex.

"We get alone time tonight." Alex said. Wilbur gave an airy laugh. "...You realize how weird that sounds..." Ghostbur added.

Alex rolled his eyes. "Don't take it that way ghost boy." Ghostbur frowned. "...hey! Don't call me ghost boy..." Alex smiled.

Ghostbur shut up. Alex looked so pretty while smiling. "...you have a nice smile..." he said quietly. Alex smiled even more. "Thank you Ghostbur."

Ghostbur stood up. Taking Alex into a 'hug'. "Is that my name now? Ghostbur?" Alex was confused. "Didn't we discuss this?"

Ghostbur shook his see-through head. "...you said it last night, didn't think you were calling me that..." he shrugged.

Alex smiled. The door opening. Alex turned. Ghostbur disappeared. The blinds opened.

Sam poked his head in. "Youre talking to yourself...you okay?" Alex nodded. Sam and Ponk stepped into the room.

"We are leaving now. We have lunch ready for you, you'll have to hear it up...we'll be back before dinner." Sam said. Hugging his son.

Ponk shook Alex's hand. Not knowing if he was comfortable with an unknown man hugging him. Alex smiled though.

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