:6-He's Come Back:

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Alex has been playing the sick game. He didn't feel up for anything. He hasn't interacted much with his parents much. More of small hi's and bye's.

He hasn't been a jerk though. He has made food for them, he just wanted... Ghostbur back. Life didn't seem fair without him. And Alex hated to admit it but...he really hoped Ghostbur didn't get revived. 

Because if Ghostbur did... he would be around 40 years old, from when he had died. It would be weird and awkward. Though some part of Alex really hoped that he also turned into a living being. 

He wanted to feel the warm hands of a man he had grown an obsession for at a young age. A man that he took abuse for.

Still pained that his stepdad had touched him in such ways. Especially with his mother right there. But he felt that Wilbur, or Ghostbur would bring him immense happiness.

So as days, weeks, and months gone by... it had soon become a full year of no ghost nor revived man. 

And it worried him. Sam had finally got Alex back in school. Ponk feeling back for the boy and the sudden sadness that had taken over him.

He had no friends, most of the people he considered friends back at his old school didn't really like that he was gay. So they ended up treated him like his step dad had. 

Alex had made his way home, snow falling from the dark and cold sky. He sighed as he got his scarf out. Winter time, and he wasn't feeling the spirit. (No pun intended- not funny? oh...)

When he got home the snow had melted onto his eyelashes. Making it look like he had been crying, the flakes had made him cold.

He saw his dad and step dad on the couch. Smiling and laughing with a man, white streak in hair, classical dress shoes and a killer smile that Alex was all to familiar with.

"Ah, Alex my boy, this is Wilbur, a previous owner of the house." Alex stared at the man sitting on the couch, coincidentally the spot that Alex had talked to him, when he was still first-coming into the home.

"Oh- hi, sir... I-" It was clear Alex was surprised. Wilbur or what Alex would continue to call Ghostbur, patted the spot next to him. "You guys have made it real cozy in here." He said quietly, Alex slowly joining the family and the ghost.

"Here Alex." Sam said, handing a nice cup of hot chocolate to him. Ponk saw the dried snow "cry" on Alex's face and chuckled. "Alex, it looks like you've been crying." Alex quickly turned to look at his parents then smiled.

"Yeah? It started to snow a bit ago." He said, Ghostbur chuckled with the family his eyes constantly on Alex... maybe for a little to long. Sam started to give him looks. Confused why he was staring at Alex in such a predatorial (which is now a word) way.

He got up and moved Alex away from the man. Smiling cautiously. "Well Wilbur, it was surely nice to meet you, but we reckon it is time for you to leave." Ponk said, catching the odd drift that Sam had made known.

Ghostbur nodded and stood up. "Sorry for the intrusion, but thank you for letting me visit the old house." He said his goodbyes then left the home. Alex smiled at his parents then left to his room.

Opening the window and yelling out to the ghost. Who had quickly smiled in that friendly way and came over. "Alex I'm alive!" He said as he finally got over there. Alex giggled and nodded. "I thought you were never coming back!" He said as he locked his bedroom door and pulled the adult into his room.

Ghostbur smiled at him and shook his head. "I was, I sent letters... But I guess Dream wouldn't allow them to come through to you... I also came by today... because I think he may be targeting you."

Alex was confused as he sat on his bed, which was fallowed by Ghostbur. "Why would he target me?" Ghostbur had a nervous smile on his face.

"You may or may nor have been brought up..." He said shyly. "But I swear, as a good friend would, I'll protect you." He said, putting his warm hands on Alex's. He smiled and nodded. "I trust you, after all. You better, or I'll kill you." Alex joked.

Ghostbur chuckled a bit. "C'mon, I just got revived don't do that!" He whined. Alex giggled. "Go back to living in the attic." Alex retorted to him. Ghostbur only chuckled, his hand softly placed on Alex's thigh.

"I'm sorry if I touch you... I've been dead for so long... I haven't felt a living thing in decades..." He whispered as he moved his hand a little. "It makes me look weird for touching a kid too..." He said in disappointment, taking his hand off.

Obviously Alex was alright with it. "Hey no, it's fine... I wanna help. You protect me from this Dream person, and... you can feel me... That sounds weird though... Sorry, you get what I mean." He said with a smile.

Ghostbur chuckled and nodded. "Thank you." His hand was placed on the side of Alex's face. "You have such pretty eyes." He commented, on the almost midnight colored eyes. "It almost matches your hair." 

Alex smiled and moved Ghostbur's hand away from his face. "Thanks, you too." He said, then he looked at Wilbur's hand. "How old are you? I mean, not in a perverted way... more of an... 'There is an older man in my room' type of way."

Ghostbur only chuckled. He moved his hand from Alex's then leaned close, observing small freckles on his face. "Well, I'm not forty... I was revived to 20." he said, then he looked at Alex with a friendly smile.

"I'm not much younger." Alex commented, amazed that his idol wasn't dead, and amazed that he was younger.

"Mhm, though do go to bed, I'll be here in the morning." Ghostbur said sweetly, Alex nodded and watched as Ghostbur climbed out his window, like two high school teens on probation from seeing each other.

Though Alex was happy, Ghostbur was back, and more handsome then ever.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 17, 2023 ⏰

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