gah dayummmm

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you let out a closed mouthed scream and pressed your phone flat against your stomach. "holy shit"

it wasn't even that crazy, but you still couldn't help the nervous feeling. a loud groan sounded from you as you flipped your phone back up, forgetting that you had left the group chat in a panic. of course.

having lied to everyone, you had been home for a while, you were just nervous about your face reveal. it was a wonder how nagi, shidou, and otoya just did it so easily. why did you have to freak out so much?

in the middle of your freak out, you felt your phone buzz from where it still sat on your stomach.


want me to add u back

that was so embarrassing

everyone's wondering where
u went

tell them i died

oh ok !!

sorry i freaked out

i had a feeling u
don't worry ab it
ik u have trouble with
stuff like this
they'd probably understand
too, yk

i dont want rhem to
pls don't tell them

but still
they're not judgmental
like that
not even rin
i dont rhink

yeah i figured
bit still


kys loser
add me back in like
10 mins

why 10?

dunno i just chose
a random time 💔


ily yoichi 🙁

ily too, my y/n
you know i'd do
anything for u, my love

mhmmm that's why i
love u sm
u mean sm to me 🙁🙁

ik, sweetheart
talk in 10?

bye bye

bye, sweetheart

another loud groan sounded from you before you got up to get some water. "stupid stupid" you muttered continuously on your journey to the kitchen and then back to your room.

your phone buzzed from where it sat on your bed and you looked over from where you stood near your door. another buzz came and then your phone started buzzing endlessly. you sighed deeply and made you way to your phone, picking it up slowly in your hand.

'the gang 🤓🤓🤓'

y/nnnn 🙁🙁

dying out here


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