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isagi was the first to see you. as soon as you slipped your phone into your pocket, you could see isagi making his way towards you. he didn't run towards you, and you weren't expecting him to like you've seen in movies after one had been separated from their lover. something in you sort of wished he would though, just to give you your shoujo manga moment.

"y/n.." isagi smiled and hugged you tightly, his arms going around your waist while yours went over his shoulders to wrap around the back of his neck. "i missed you, sweetie.."

you couldn't stop the sigh that slipped passed your lips as you relaxed against his body. "missed you too, yoichi"

based on how your body was pressed against his, you could easily make out how different he was. he was less scrawny now, even if he wasn't that scrawny to begin with and somehow - despite not wanting to admit it to yourself - he seemed a lot cooler than the little isagi yoichi you remembered.

"you're different" he breathed through a small laugh as he pulled back to look at you, "somehow even more beautiful.." you watched as his eyes looked at you from head to toe and you had to resist the blush as you caught the way his eyes stayed fixated on your chest longer than the rest of your body.

you rolled your eyes and shamelessly stared at his figure, "pervert.."

"oh, i'm the pervert?" isagi laughed as he noticed your staring and quickly pulled you back into another hug. "how about i just let you feel then.. hm..?"

without hesitation, you brought your hand up to his chest and relaxed into isagi's touch. "i really missed you.."

"me too, sweetheart" he breathed into your hair before pressing a soft kiss to your head.

after a few more seconds, isagi let go and gently grabbed your hand to lead you to the others. and despite talking to all of them for months, you couldn't help but feel nervous at the sight of them staring at you and isagi.

"don't be nervous," isagi whispered as he slightly leaned towards you, "they're excited to meet you"

a shaky breath slipped passed your lips and as you finally stood in front of them, you watched as bachira prepared himself to speak first.

"god you're hot" otoya spoke before bachira got the chance.

karasu slapped otoya on the back of the head and chuckled to himself. "sorry for him," an apologetic smile was sent your way. "he said he'd behave himself so we forgot his ball gag"

"that's disgusting.." chigiri sighed from beside reo, who stood beside nagi. "seriously.. thought we'd at least have a few minutes before they got weird" reo snorted a laugh and nagi hummed quietly in agreement.

isagi gently squeezed your hand when he noticed you began to shake slightly and you figured he was urging you to say something. "well we can always buy an extra for him" you spoke, a nervous laugh quickly following.

everyone was silent for a second before isagi let out the laugh he tried desperately to hold in before muttering a quiet apology.

"i suppose you're right," karasu sighed and nudged shidou, "or we can just leave him somewhere.. it'll cost less money"

shidou snorted and pushed otoyas head to the side "or just sell it so we can get money"

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