we should get the girl condoms

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ultra mega cringe chapter tbh

sorry idk how to romance 🙏🙏

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it had been nine full days since chigiri blew your secret. you had long since realized how dramatic you had been, but you were also thoroughly convinced that they all hated you now - even isagi. despite the constant texts you received from everyone, you still couldn't shake the feeling that they hated you. even if you received messages of their love, you still figured that they were faking it.


please y/n
just talk to me my love
i care so much ab u and i
don't want u to feel like this
any longer
so please just answer me
i'm worried about u and i
want for us to be okay
i want it more than anything
else sweetheart

i hate you.

hi hun
how r u
r u ok?
baby i love you sm
pls don't ever do this to me

just do it already

sweetie what r u talking

reject me already
everyone knows i like u
so just reject me so we can
all move on

what are u talking about?
yk i love you sweetheart
i could never reject you

yoichi what r u talking ab

you didn't know i was in
love with you???
i thought i was super obvious

what the fuck?


"oh y/n? she's my friend !"
"y/n my best friend!"
"oh yeah she's just my friend"
"no we're only friends"
yoichi i almost blew my brain
out every time u said that to
like ong
i am not kidding

sweetie 😭😭
well i wouldn't have said
that if u were honest ab ur
feeling my love


i love u
i've loved you for as long
as i can remember
my heart beats only for you
my love
i cant imagine loving anyone
you're it for me sweetheart
i love you so much it hurts

yoichi 😭😭😭
i'm crying 🙁🙁🙁
god i hate u
why couldn't u hqve just
said that before 🙁🙁

i love u too sweetheart
i just didn't know u felt
the same
though i wish i could've said
this to u in person

i doubt u could've
u would've been blushing
like an idiot and we would've
been standing there for
hours 😭😭😭

ur probably right my love
i don't know if i would've
been able to resist u tho
i might've just kissed u
until i couldn't breathe
if i had the chance

u had a chance every time
we were together 😐😐

well i guess i should've done
it then

u should've.



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