"my yoichi..?"

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uhmmmm like second to last chapter maybe. i hope y'all liked this lil fic 🙁

ALSO i made a lil itoshi brothers centric fic so pls read so u can read ab my insane obsession with rin

also isagi being a switch is so canon to me idc
also this is the longest chapter so.. yeah

anyways read for a banger 🔥🔥🔥🔥

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you slept peacefully next to isagi after a tiring night spent with him. while you slept, isagi laid next to you, smiling softly as he admired your sleeping face, something he always found adorable.

isagi leaned down and pressed yet another kiss to your nose, hoping that this one would finally wake you. after you remained asleep, he sighed softly, rolled his eyes, and pressed a bunch of gentle kisses against every part of your face.

"yoichi.." you whined softly, pushing your hands outward into his face to get him away from you. "too early for this shit" a low groan sounded from you as you pressed your face into the pillow.

isagi laughed softly, pulling the blanket off of you so it only covered your bottom half. "come on, sweetheart" he said lowly into your ear and you could basically hear that stupid smirk on his face. "just wanna spend the day with you, my love.." his fingers lightly trailed down your spine, making you shiver and whine once more into the pillow.

you felt a gentle kiss pressed against your bare back and you raised your head to look back and glare at him. "i'm not having sex with you this early in the morning"

"it's nearly eight, baby. you need to get up soon anyway"

a scoff sounded from you and you pressed your face back into the pillow. "i can get up at any time i want" you said, though it was too muffled by the pillow for isagi to understand what you said. "repeat that for me, hun. i didn't quite catch that one" he teased and you felt your cheeks burn, refusing to lift your face so he can see the reaction he got from you.

"blue lock has made a serious change when it comes to your act" you muttered with your face turned out of the pillow but still covered by the blanket you pulled up so he couldn't see your reddened cheeks. "i still don't know this side of you.." your voice was quiet as you traced small shapes into the pillow you laid on.

isagi looked at you almost sadly before laying down next to you so he was face to face with you. "i'm still your yoichi, baby. nothing could ever change that"

"my yoichi..?" you asked softly with a pout and he laughed softly, pressing a sweet kiss to your pout in hopes of making it fall.

"your yoichi, y/n" he clarified and pulled you to lay on his chest. you sighed softly and he laughed, kissing the top of your head as reassurance. with your cheeks burning slightly, you leaned more into his touch, tracing small hearts next to his collarbone before pressing a kiss to each one.

you could feel all of the new muscles he gained since his second round of going to blue lock. it made you wonder what was so different about this time compared to his first time at blue lock and if this third time in a few days would also change him as much.

"i'm gonna miss you.." you muttered into his chest and he wrapped his arms tighter around you. "it won't be as long as the other times" isagi sighed and kissed your head again. "i'll come back to you as soon as i can"

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