Chapter 6

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Katie knocked on the door saying it was time for breakfeast. I told to come in. She did. We talked for about 5min. Then I told Libbie to go and eat breakfeast. Libbie nodded and walked of. Quickly and quietly I said "Dont tell Louis."

"I won't. Don't you trust me?" She said.

"No. Not at this moment." I said.

She put her hands up in surrender.

"Thank you." I whispered.

"Your welcome. Now let's go get some breakfeast." She dragged me down the stairs as I screamed things like "F*ck you." "RAWR." "I look hideous."

Then warm arms wrapped around my waist and whispered in my ear "You look beautiful to me." The voice sent shivers down my back. I turned and saw Louis. I wraped my arms around his neck and barried my head in his chest. We stood their for a couple mins. Until Annie comes running in.

(Annie POV)

I was just on Twitter. And BAM. A picture of Hannah with her hands in Louis hair, her legs around his waist. They were kissing in the rain. OH GOD.

I ran in the room. I showed her the pic. She screamed ran to the couch grabbing her phone. Dialing someone.

"Courtney." Was all she said. Begore she ran out the room. Into the bathroom. Licking herself in. Crap. "Please don't call Courtney. Please." I begged.

(Hannah POV)

Courtney answered. I simply said "The paps."

Courtney Chuckled "Got it. I'll be there in 15."

"Alright." I said. The line went dead. I fixed my make up. I unlocked the door, opened and walked out. Just to be slammed into the wall by Annie. Who was much stronger then me. Pain shot through my back. I yelped in pain, causing her to chuckle. "Did I hurt you? Opps." She hissed. I slide down the wall. She pushed me over and began kicking me and punching me. I felt the boil in my body. She was aboit to uch me but I grabbed her wrist and threw her on the ground. Creating a large thump. Causeing everyone to run in. They all stopped and stared.

"WHAT THE HECK?" Katie screamed. "What happenned?"

"I walked out of the bathroom and she attacked me." Libbie screamed and ran away crying. I went to run after her. But I fell. Screaming in pain as my hand went to a huge bruise forming on my right leg. Louis ran over to me. Picked me up bridal style and took me up to my bedroom. He sent me down on my bed. I cryed. About the pain in my leg and about the memories coming back. Finally told Louis. Everything about how my father beat me and Libbie. Everytime Libbie sees me hurt the memorises come back. He nodded an said "I won't let him touch you of Libbie." There was a knock on the door. It opened to reval, Annie. She apolized and I forgave He. Because Why? Because she lives in the same apartment as me! Amd because I know she was overeacting.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 12, 2013 ⏰

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