Chapter 1

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In the banquet hall after the victory against wen clan

As everyone was sitting in their respective seats and as wei wuxian was about to leave the banquet after very respectfully disrespecting Jin Guangshan when out of nowhere a black portal opened and some teens start to fell out of the portal

The first one to fall was jingyi and jin ling landed on him as he was about to get up when sizhui fell upon him then zizhen due to which zhuiling accidently kissed and then lan qing and nie xiāng landed upon each other

Young mistress jin get off me!! said jingyi.

who are you calling young mistress!! said jin ling.

sizhui immediately got of them following zizhen. As sizhui helped jin ling and jingyi on their feet

Hey! have you gained weight you are so heavy young mistress said jingyi.

Brat is this how you address a sect leader said jin ling.


where are we said nie xiāng cutting jingyi off

it is all your fault why did you have to touch that array jingyi said jin ling

what? a man can't be curious said jingyi.

Are you guys sure he is a real lan asked jin ling to yuan and qing to which they both shrugged

Excuse me Y——

Who are you all and where did you come from asked wei wuxian cautiously not letting his guard down

As they noticed everyone was standing there with their swords pointed at them

Senior wei


Uncle wei

All the juniors rushed hugging him uncle wei this young mistress jin is bullying me said jingyi looking all innocent

I am bullying you me??? Uncle tell him to address me with respect I am a sect leader now after all said jin ling

Will you two please stop quarreling like an old married couple for like two seconds nie xiāng said gritting her teeth

Who are you people asked Jiang Cheng aggressively

Seriously a-niang not recognizing your own son said jingyi unimpressed

WHAT!!!!! Everyone screamed

You-you have a c-child I-i am an uncle and you never bother telling me said wei ying shocked

Shut up I don't even know who this lunatic is I am like 20 and he seems like 16 or 17 how can I have this big of kid plus look at his clothes he is a lan Jiang Cheng defended

what year is this? Asked zizhen trying not to cause any more problems

This is year 207B.C answered previous sect leader.

I think we have time traveled. Said xiāng.

No wonder senior wei looks so handsome and they definitely need to fix those portraits He is the most handsome senior if only I were his age said zizhen dreamily

Wei ying blushed terribly

Shut up if his excellency heard that you will be forever banned from entering cloud recess said Jin ling elbowing him in the gut

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