chapter 8

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"Can I ask you one more question?" Jin Guangyao asked, a bit hesitant.

"Sure, you can ask me anything," Qing responded.

"How is my future going to be?" he asked, very nervous.

"Well, that depends upon the choices you make," she responded with fondness.

"You are indeed very wise," he said with respect and fondness.

"Are you sure you are Childe Wei's daughter?" he asked.

She chuckled. "I am sure."

They bowed to each other and went their separate ways.


## On the Other Side

Jin Ling was sitting in the rabbit field when his father came and sat beside him.

"So," his dad started.

"Why am I like this?" Jin Ling asked, confused and frustrated.

"Like what?" his father asked with concern.

"Why do I hurt the person I love the most?" he asked, frustrated and angry at himself.

"I guess it's in your genes," his a-die responded.


"I mean, I am the same. I love your mother so much, but I have also hurt her to a great extent," Jin Zixuan stated, feeling guilty.

"But your mistakes can be fixed; mine can't," said Jin Ling, sad.

"You like Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji's son, right?" Jin Zixuan guessed.

"How d-do you k-know?" he asked, shocked.

"You are obvious, and I think he likes you too," Jin Zixuan said.

"But I have messed up so bad," Jin Ling stated, facepalming.

"Why? What did you do?" his father asked.

"I broke our engagement when he told me he was a Wen by birth. I, um, stabbed him, and I-I said so many horrible things to him," Jin Ling said, sad.

"Oh! You have messed up really bad," said his father, surprised and concerned.

"And that is not even the worst part. It turns out my people, the Jins, were the actual villains who harmed A-Yuan's clan, and they were innocent," Jin Ling said, now crying.

"I, um, I have apologized to the Wens, and this time, I will personally take care of the Wens so that they don't die," Jin Zixuan said, trying to assure his son.

"But how should I talk to Sizhui?" Jin Ling asked.

"You know, I came here to ask you how I should approach your mother," Jin Zixuan told his son.

"Huh? Go tell her you love her, and she loves you too," Jin Ling said to his father, confused.

"What? She does?" he asked, surprised.

"Why else do you think I exist?" Jin Ling said.

"Well, but I'd like to apologize first."

"And as for you, you should apologize while kneeling," he said in a stern manner.

"I know," Jin Ling answered in a small voice.

"One more thing, after you stabbed Wei Wuxian's son, how are you alive? How did Wei Wuxian let you live?" Jin Zixuan asked curiously.

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