September 8, 1879

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Today I woke up great. Still sad about Lily and a bit worried about Charles but surprisingly great. I grab the paper to read that Charles had also gone missing. Why would he be targeted? I wait until the sunset and head to sleep but his night seems odd. No noises or such appears to keep me up. I slowly walk out my bedroom door to find a man looking at me from down the stairs. "Hello John" he snickers and smiles a smile so dark and gruesome I can see the darkness devour in his eyes. I see death of what and who he his. "I thought you'd never show up for the play date. He casually walks towards the kitchen. I follow very wary of my surrounding. I walk into the kitchen to find dead bodies. Some from weeks ago and other decaying. "You remember Susie right?" He smiles I cannot see his face from the darkness that covers it. She's right over there. He points at the living room. I see her moving awkwardly. I move closer but she turns around and see her. Her face is smashed in and her body is broken. She has strings like a puppet. I look up and see that a giant size hand is controlling her. "She's my favorite puppet." He says with a grin. "Sit on the couch. Now." I do as he says. "Look who I have." Charles walks toward me also like a puppet. I look at his fingers. His nails seem to have been cut awfully and they've seem to have been bleeding "He was locked inside somewhere. Not telling where." A laughter erupts. The old lady crackles but I cannot see her. A loud knock on the door makes me freeze. "Oh no who could that be?" Another laughter "Susie can you get the door?" Lily nods her head and he mimics her voice "Sure Mr." She wobbles to the door and opens it. "Oh no it's the cops!" Another laugh erupts. It's the younger cops that Richard said went missing. "Oh oh looks like the party is over." He says in mimicking voice. I look at them. They look like they've been dragged ... dragged. They're ankles...I close my eyes. When I open them no one is there, no strings, but silence fills the room. I walk up the stairs. Into my room I open it. And she's there. My wife. My Gloria. On the bed. Asleep peacefully. A man stands next to her with a pillow. He cries and starts to suffocate her. I cannot move. I cannot close my eyes. I watch and see her die. Once she stops struggling. He cries and then looks at me. I close my eyes and once again in the living room. "You made me kill her! You're the murderer. You deserve to die. Not her!" He looks at me. It's my son. My son on the night I told him to kill his mother. She was dying and I was going to kill her with the crowbar in my hand. He wanted her to stop suffering but in a better way. He shuts the door and leaves. I look at the door and a touch on my shoulder brings me back. I look at the puppets once more. Lily touches my cheek. I watch her walking home when I come from behind her and kill her with a crow bar. Charles grabs my arm and as he unlocks his door I kidnap him and shove him into my basement where I beat him with the crowbar I killed Lily. I step over her body. The young men salute at each other and touch my shoulders . I watch carefully at the cops and then carefully hit both of the in the head with a crowbar while I put a tied rope on both of their ankles and get on one of their horses while doing that back and forth in the woods. I dump them into my basement and
Head up to sleep. Every night I killed someone. Or planned it out their death. They vanish and I follow Lily to the basement. I see their bodies hanging upside down. I see a man crying in the corner. "Look what you did." His voice is mine. "You made me into a monster. You made my son hate me." He cries and stands up. He slowly turns around and I see the eyes. The eyes I saw in the hallway. The eyes of a monster. The eyes that scared me since I've seen them. "We've turned into a monster." He steps away from the darkness and I see myself. "You're The monster in your dreams"

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