Part Six: Race against the sea.

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They couldn't control their curiosity. A sparkling ship enchanted by rainbow coloured fairy lights. It was a party ship for sure. Rather party on a ship. But one thing they couldn't be more curious about than the commotion near it. The ship was surrounded by people. The people didn't look ordinary. They were dressed in designer brands. They possessed accessories those were oozing rich in every part of them.

"They look from South bombay, don't they?" Apoora whispered.

Samarth, apoorva and chirag were hiding behind the bridge poles, twenty feets away from the ship.

"They surely do. But what are they doing there?.. "

"Guys.. Look! They're sealing boxes filled with cash.." Samarth pointed.

"Are these people trying to save their wealth rather than their lives?"

"Guess what apoorva, it's not only the wealth they're saving.."

"Oh my god." Apoorva couldn't believe her eyes.

"Hey! What are you guys spying on...Get out of here or else I'll shoot you." A police inspector threatened them, his voice harder than steel. Startled.. They quickly turned to face him.

"Guys... Let's go. Now!" Chirag roared..

They ran and ran until they reached the rickshaw where kutta was tied. With chirag now in driving seat. They were headed directly towards Palais royale. Only twenty minutes away.

"It's such a dumb idea. That ship would be wrecked in no time. It was already swaying too much, the storm is clearly approaching." Apoorva said.

"I think I heard someone saying the ship was headed towards Gujarat. Like right into the sea. Rich people can sometimes take foolish steps of all."

"I know.. Do you think they might ride the same ship?"

"They might." Chirag replied. His tone weary.

Kutta Whimpered.


"Rian!" Naya roared.

"What! What is it?" He quickly snapped out of his thoughts, alert than ever.

"Look.. Isn't that palais.. Royale?"



"We're surviving this."

They finally reached palais royale. But for some reason, it was shockingly quite. Just gust of wind. No rain.. It had stopped. Why? They wondered.

Naya parked the nano on the street opposite to palais royale. It was time they had to say goodbye to nano. They wouldn't see it ever again. Not only their homes, but also their beloved nano.

"Stop crying dev." Naya patted dev's back. Who was now laying stomach flat on top of his nano, his tears carrying all the dirt from the front window.

"She meant, stop wasting time." Rian replied, his tone carrying smugness like his facial expression.

Naya gave him side eyes.

"What?" He whispered.

"Umm, Rian what's this sound?"

"What sound?"

"Like water flowing. Heavily.."

"Um guys. For f to the k sake, Look back..." Dev shouted turning his head to his right.

"Oh my heavenly God. Water is rushing in. It's the flood, that is why it was suddenly quiet." Naya cried.

"We need to leave now!" Rian commanded as he grabbed naya's hand, with dev besides him, they began running their lungs out towards the palais royale.

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