Last Time Together

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"You are coming right? For sure?" The message pinged Vini's phone.
"Yes.. when are you coming?" She replied.
"I'll be down the complex by 6pm"
The conversation ended there. Vini put down her phone.
She opened the door of her closet which was in front of her bed and sat down comfortably.
"What should I wear? Indian, western, indo-western, ethnic?" She thought while she looked at the pile of clothes in there.
After a deep thought she ended up pulling a pair of jeans that she had worn hundred times before and a red kurti which was probably never worn.
It was 10 mins past 6 when another message pinged her phone.
"Am down" from Veer.
She hurried out of her room and slipped in a pair of sneakers.
"Spend the day well" her father called from behind.
"Bye then be back before 9"
"Sure baba.." she replied.
Half did her father know that she would be very happy to be back as soon as possible.

"Show the watch" Vini said as she met Veer outside their complex.
Veer took out a night blue coloured watch with a golden dial which shone very much from the lights reflected.
"Nice?" He asked.
They took an auto and left for their destination.

"Ting...Tong.." they rang the doorbell.
Soon Ravi appeared as the door opened.
"Ayo Veer... What's up.., What's up Vini?" He asked.
"Before what's up.. Happy Birthday to you..
Happy Birthday to you.. Happy Birthday.. Happy your house will turn into a zoo.. Cause I am here na.. mere bhai.." said Veer.
"Happy Birthday Ravi" said Vini in a quite low tone with a soft smile on her face.
"You guys are late it's 7:30 I asked you to come at 6."
"Is it..? All arrived?" Asked Veer.
"Yeah all in.."
"GOOD... let's goo."
"Are... Veer..."
"Are.... Sunny.."
There was a burst of excitement and welcome as he entered the room.
Veer cheered and wished everyone with the full of his energy while Vini stood behind him with a smile and all quiet.
The room was filled with all the people they had known and grown with since their childhood. They were close friends since high school.
Ravi was living alone in Kolkata while his mom and dad were in Mumbai. And since the start of his higher secondary, they planned for him to study in Mumbai. Every year all of their friends took the very trouble to arrange a beautiful birthday party for Ravi all together since he was all alone living here and had nobody to celebrate his birthday.
"Veer... Gift?!" Riddhi, one of their friends, called.
"Are.. haa.. I forgot.. Ravi.... This is your birthday gift from all of your not at all good but trouble making group of friends."
"Why gift again..?"
"Hey.. A birthday without gifts is like Biryani without aloo in Kolkata dude.. it's mandatory" said Veer.
"Veer.. you have anything apart from food in your life?" Asked Ravi.
"I wish there was nothing."
All of them burst into laughter.
Ravi took out the watch box from the bag and opened it..
"Are.. yar... What was the need for this."
"Your boring man... We arrange soo much, please don't let it go in vain just by saying what is this, what is that. Come on wear it."
Ravi took out the watch and wore it..
"Think of us every time you wear this watch in future" said Veer in a softer lower voice than what he was speaking in till now.
Ravi faced down and not being able to control his emotions collapsed into Veers arms bursting in tears.
"I'll miss you guys very much.. " he said which was cracked by the crying tone.
Everyone in the room started to tear up.
"Are.... Did I make the environment emotional.. Sorry for that.. Ravi you should be happy na ki nobody will further disturb you. For none of us you will ever have to get scolding again."
"Yeah.. and none of you will ever plan a birthday like this anymore."
"Kya yarr.. you are too emotional. Let's goo cut the cake, I am starving already. After that Never Have I Ever, right guys?"said Veer.
"Yeah definitely.."
A general nature of Veer which must be mentioned is that he had an incredible power of turning any depressed situation into a cheerful one in a minute.

They finished cutting the cake and by the end of that everyone was almost completely covered in cake. Each looked like a chocolate ghost. They completed the eating session and as said they got ready for the game.
"Are.. Ravi is there whiskey or anything?" Karan asked.
"Not only got coke." Ravi replied.
"Bore dude, okay bring it."
As he bought the coke, Karan poured the coke in 6 glasses and gave it to each one of them.
"Hey.. dim the lights"
The room was half lit while they began the game.
"Instructions are simple, if you have ever done it, take a sip. And if you have not then don't " said Veer.
"Never have I ever, had a crush on anybody's parents.. " said Karan..
Karan, sunny, Riddhi, Ravi took sips from their cups.
"Veer's father is fine, I have to admit Veer" said Riddhi.
"What?? Why am I not.." replied Veer.
"Okay never have I ever had a crush on anybody from our gang of six.."
None of them took sips..
"Look how deep our friendship is guys.."
"Oh really.. Vini.. Veer what about you guys?" Said Karan.
"Us..??" Said vini, confused about what he meant.
"Are.. we are all friends Karan.. all of us.. right.. just that Riddhi will miss Ravi a little more than us, Right Riddhi?"
"Stupid.." saying which she hit Veer with her pillow.
With more fun, tearing and stomach aching laughter and some more hitting and hugging their game came to an end. All of them lost track of time. And when they again gained it back all their faces grew dull.
It was not only Ravi who was not going to be in contact anymore. Sunny too is leaving the city. Karan is not leaving but is going into a different branch. Thus their journey all together came to an end.
Tears returned to their eyes and the happiness faded in minutes. They never thought of a day like this to come. They never thought how it would be without each other at school.
Vini not being able to stand the situation broke into tears. Veer, someone who cheers the environment became silent too. They all were aware that this is their last time seeing everybody all together.
"We don't want to see each other crying for the last time do we.." said Veer..
"Guys.. let's goo.. build our life.. let's goo our ways.. in this way please promise to be in contact you guys.." said Ravi.
They placed their hand upon each other and promised.
All called their goodbyes and good wishes and left.
Veer and Vini left too. As they walked down the street Vini checked the watch. It was 8:45. They didn't want to talk to each other, struggling to overcome the situation.
In her mind Vini knew that this promise will be broken very soon.

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