Bill changed the Will

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Abhilasha Residency, 10:00 pm.

"Crazy.. bro.. spidy's got it.. this one is worth buying" said Veer, as he laid on his bed and slapped close the new Marvel Comic that he completed within an hour.
Now there is nothing more left to keep him engaged. He picked up his phone from the lamp table by his bed and opened the contact list.
"Dad", it read as he clicked a number.
His fingers started to fumble before he called.
Shall I call him? Maybe he is busy? Maybe in a meeting? Uhm.. whatever let me call..
His trembling thumb managed to press "call".
Kr... Kr... Kr...
"The number you have dialled is currently busy. Please call again later." The usual lady voice spoke.
"As expected..." He said as his shoulders dropped.
He then scrolled to the recent contacts and called Vini. It rang for a while and then Vini received it.
"Nothing.. what are you doing..?" he said.
"Uhm.. Nothing.. You're home?"
"Yeah.. Am bored.. shall I come over..?"
"Idiot.. it's 10 now.."
"Uh..Right.." Veer said sounding quite low and then let out a deep breath.
"Mmm what's wrong??" Vini asked.
"Nothing you know.. yeah.. nothing.."
"Is.. it.. like your dad.. anything?"
Vini knew that not much things apart from that matter bothers Veer
"Uhmm.. yeah sort of.. forget.."
"Is Abhi Da at home..?" Vini asked trying to ignore the fact.
Veer seems to feel bad whenever the topic of his dad would be there for long. Vini tried to make him talk about it or settle it but it only worsened the fact.

"Nah.. Oai.. wait.. he got to know more about that what so ever person." Veer said getting hyped up quickly.
"What person? Oh.. that murder, Annand?" Vini asked.
"Yeah.. About that Annand, he said that, he had not always been a very saint person. He only had an occasional visit to Thailand. As a profession he had a small business in India. He had earlier records of domestic violence. His wife was the victim. Now they are not sure if that is any reason for the death of his wife. But.. the exciting news is that. The man had a regular visit to Thailand because he had another family there. He was married to a rich Thai woman there and had secret affairs with her. He used to take money from her and eventually bought an apartment in Thailand to stay in contact. All this info was disclosed by the women herself after the police had asked her." Veer finally completed.
Vini listened throughout patiently.
"Okay...." was the reply that came from the other end.
'Krrrr.....' the usual bitter sounding calling bell rang at Veer's house.
"Hey.. Vini.. I think someone came.. let me check I'll call you later.." Veer said as he sat up hearing the calling bell.
"Okay.. yeah.. bye.. but call me.. I have something to say.."
The call ended.

Veer left his bed in a hurry and went to open the door.
As soon as he opened the door Abhi Da stood wearing his working formal outfit and in his hands were white plastics.
"I forgot the keys home" Abhi Da said.
Veer turned to take a look at the table and saw that it was true, the keys laid on it.
Abhi Da walked past Veer as he stood still by the door.
"Ready the plates, I'll just take a minute to change" Abhi Da commanded as he went to his room.
"Okay...." Veer said cheering up by the name of 'food'. He did not care to think about the 5 minutes ka maggi that he had 5 minutes ago.
"I have a lot of empty space in my stomach" he thought as he bought the plates almost jumping on his toes.
He started to unwrap the plastic when Abhi Da came out and sat on the sofa.
"Fast Bhatijo(nephew), hunger is over my head and also that Bhatiya." Abhi Da said.
Both started to help themselves.

"Bhaiya would be mad if he saw us eating outside food" Abhi Da said holding a piece of roti.
"Hmm.." Veer humped cause his mouth was filled with food.
The matter of his dad shifted his mind a little from food. Just then a message pinged his phone.
'Your account has been credited with Rs.25000'
His father just sent him money via UPI.
His mouth stopped. Abhi Da's sight also fell on the message.
A silence of disappointment surrounded the room.
"Dad thought I was calling him just to ask for money?!" Veer said his thoughts a little loud.
"You called Bhaiya today?" Abhi Da said, his face a little dull.
"Hmmm.." Veer replied looking down at the plate.
"Can't I just call because I just want him, not his money" Veer said getting a little upset.
Abhi Da shifted beside Veer and threw his arms on Veer's shoulder and said, "You know him. He's like that.. Forget. Eat up fast.. it will get cold."
He tried to shift the environment.
"Well.. any more info about the case." Veer asked lifting his face.
"Noh... Not much update actually" Abhi Da said.
They finished their food and headed to their rooms.
Veer being overfed threw himself on the bed. That's when he noticed someone terrible. Terrible to him.
A 3 inch sized spider just above his head.

He jumped out of the bed in the fright holding the pillow as a shield in his hand

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He jumped out of the bed in the fright holding the pillow as a shield in his hand.
Spiderman might be his superhero but this spider creature haunts him in his nightmare from childhood.
"I can't sleep in this room. Am off." He said still holding the pillow.

The door of Abhi Da's room opened slightly.
"Hmmm.. come" he said knowing it would be Veer.
The door opened further and Veer stood there holding a pillow in his arms like an innocent child who got scared by something.
"What's the matter?!" Abhi Da said looking up from his laptop screen.
"Can I sleep in your room tonight?" He said in a very soft voice that could not reach Abhi Da's ears.
"I.. sleep.. here.. tonight.." Veer said pausing.
"Heh..?? What?? Why??" Abhi Da said a little confused.
"Please......!!" Veer said coming and sitting on the bed.
"Spider.. Abhi Da.."
"Bas... Understood. Your spider-phobia did not go till now?"
"It will never go.. please.. just today.."
"Oh.. okay.."
"Thank you.. thank you.." he said as his face turned bright.
Abhi Da continued to work on his laptop while Veer scrolled on his phone, just when the phone rang.
"Hello.." Vini said.
"Sorry.. forgot to ring back.."
"Ky.. I said I have something to say.. right.."
"Yeah.. say.."
"Is.. Abhi Da anywhere around..?" She asked.
"Keep the call in speaker.." she said.
"Abhi Da Vini has something to say.." Veer said as he put the call on the speaker.
"Abhi Da.. sorry to interrupt at night. But I have something to say" Vini said from the other end.
"Yeah.. sure.."
"I think I noticed something that day, the pizza one day, I forgot it in the commotion. And later I thought It might not be much of an important matter but after the thing at ccd I have a feeling that it's important."
"Say.. Vini.. without worry.." Abhi Da said.
"That day.. the bill of the pizza. None of us actually noticed, but I just saw a highlighted part of it. Like just using a normal highlighter." Vini said.
"Is.. it.." Veer said bitting his index finger.
"Hmm.. I don't know I just felt like I should let you know.." Vini said
"Very good.. Vini.." Abhi Da said.
"Well when we went to the balcony. I threw it in the waste bin there. It might be there till now."
"Okay.. wait.. Veer bring the waste bin.." Abhi Da commanded Veer.
Veer bought the waste bin and Abhi Da started to search for the bill aggressively.
"Got it.." he exclaimed.
He uncrumbled the paper and checked it carefully.
"Yeah.. there it is.. it's the bill no." He said to Vini who was still on call.
"Only a portion is highlighted.." Veer said peeking into it.
"06060930" was the highlighted portion. Abhi Da said it aloud.
Silence for the next minute.
Abhi Da closed his eyes and got lost in a deep thought.
After a whole of 3 minutes of silence, Abhi Da opened his eyes.
"Got it.."
"Abhi Da.. is it..?" Vini said.
"I think so Vini..!" Abhi Da said as if he heard what Vini did not even say.
Veer was the only person who seemed confused by the whole matter.
"What is it?"
Abhi Da slapped his head and said "Did not get it idiot?!"
Veer made a face as he rubbed the hit part.
"It's the date and time.." Vini said from the other side.
"Yes.. 06/08, 6th of june. That is the day we got the pizza. And at 09:30, it's clearly the time."
Abhi Da took out his phone quickly and called someone."Girish.. can you tell the exact time of Annand Bhatiya's death."
"Yes.. sir... It's the 6th of this month, which means two days ago. Time..... Nine thirty sir.."
"Shit..." Abhi Da said.. loud enough for two people across the phone to hear.
"Another miss.. another miss.... Everything was known to us.. every move."
"Abhi Da I should have let you know earlier.." Vini said.
"No.. Vini you're the only one who just noticed it.. it's brilliant.." Abhi Da said.
"Okay Girish thanks." He joined along.
"Yes.. sir.. good night.." he cut the call.
"Vini good night.." Veer said as he also cut the call.
"Yeah same to you."
"Excellent move.. thanks to Vini.." Abhi Da said.

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