Still the One

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      I lay on the bed in my hotel room. We arrived last night around nine. Liam was the only one that caught me, even though he already knew. I've been so excited for this trip. Eleanor is in the shower and I'm left alone.

     The plane ride was just about horrible. I'm not good on planes to begin with. I was motion sick pretty much the whole ride. By the time I was feeling better we landed. It was not the most fun. I didn't sleep the whole fourteen hours we were on the plane. I'm glad we're finally in Florida.

      Liam will be coming any time now to tell me the cars here. He's already planned a car for me and Eleanor. We'd get there and he'd meet us at the front gate and get us in before the crowd. After the show, I'll wait with Paul and he'll take me back to the boys.

     It hurts me to know that Harry is just two doors down and I can't see him. I think I'm rushing this, Harry left me just a month ago. I am two and a half months pregnant with his child, though. I'm really excited to tell him. I'm just scared of his response.

      I lay back in the bed and fluff my skirt. Eleanor walks out in black skinny jeans and white shirt. She smiles and lays on her bed, taking her phone out.

      There's a small knock on the door and I jump up off the bed. Looking through the peep hole, I see Liam standing there. "It's Liam." I look back at El and a huge smile spread across her face. She gathers her purse and I open the door.

       "Hey the boys are already down in the van. We did sound check earlier today so the show starts in about two hours." I smile and follow him out the door, along with Eleanor. "Stay here in the lobby until you can't see the van." I agreed and we head over to the couch.

       "I hate wearing a coat in Florida." I said to Liam.

     "Just keep your hood up till you get in the car. I don't want fans to ruin it for you two." He answered, sliding the sunglasses down my face. Eleanor and I both had our faces hidden with our hoods and ray bans. It wasn't the most comfortable thing to wear in eighty degree wither but it wasn't awful. "Now, remember, get in the car and wait till Paul comes and gets you at the stadium." I nodded and he head out to the van. I watched as the van slowly pulled out of the driveway and disappeared.

       "C'mon," I smile, "Time to go." I grab my purse and we make it to the car. "Hi, thank you so much for doing this." I told the driver as Eleanor got settled.

      "No big deal." The man smiled.

       We pulled up to the giant stadium and there was already line up of girls. I'm glad I'm not standing there out in the sun. It was a lot hotter in March than I like it. We park in the back and the driver calls Paul. Minutes after they're done talking, we see him come around the corner. He gives us the okay to get out and I put my sunglasses back on. My heart was racing as I helped Eleanor out.

      "Sorry we have to go around the front." Paul said and I nodded. This is probably the most secretive thing I've ever done. Also probably the most planned out. It was perfectly planned, I'd not run into the boys and hopefully we wouldn't get caught. I wanted to suprise Harry after, odds are he will notice me sitting front row.

      We rounded the turn on the outside of the stadium and the girls screamed. Just seeing Paul made them go a little insane. I turned my head back to look at Eleanor. She gave me a silly smile and started laughing. She was more used to the crowds than me, since she tourede with the boys last year. I like it but, it's a little crazy.

    "The fans will start coming in during this half hour, 5SOS will come out in about an hour, the boys will come out in about an hour and a half. Don't walk away from this spot once the fans get in here. It's a lot easier to get lost than you think. You have my number in your phone, if you need me just text me." Paul spoke quick. "Alright, I've got to help get fans in here." He walked away. Withen a fortyfive minutes the stadium was packed. Not just full, packed. I mean it. I'm glad I was in the VIP section. There at least was a little breathing space. Minutes later I heard a guitar riff to a song I didn't know and 5 Five Seconds of Summer came out.

     The lights turned down and the girls instanltly started screaming. I laughed at Eleanor who was was hopping up and down to the riffs of Live While We're Young. The boys popped up and the place got instantly louder. Crazy, right? The bass shook my heart in my chest. Harry came around and slapped hands without even noticing us. The boys lined up during C'mon C'mon and did the legendary hip thrusts.  

     "Louis' ass...." Eleanor looked at me and smiled. I rolled my eyes. "What?! It's incredible!" The songs went by quickly as they were already on Little Things. "I can't believe the haven't noticed." They began signing Back For You. Harry was so close I could touch him. During Louis part, Harry looked out at the crowd and some how saw Eleanor and waved. A million girls behind her screamed. Then he saw me. His face dropped and he jumped off the stage. The security guards grabbed him and tried to pull him back.  

    "That's my fiancé!" He said as he struggled to get away. The security set him back up on stage. "Can you get we up here." We've now drawn the attention of the cameras and the other boys. The guard picked me up and set me back up next to Harry. "Her too!" He pointed at Eleanor. She shook her head and stayed there. He took my hand and he ran down the steps to behind the stage. "What are you doing here?" He kissed me, holding me against a lone speaker. 

     "You just go and finish the show. I'll be here when you're done." I shrugged.  

     "No, I want to know what's bugging you. I'm sorry in left you like that at the airport." He kisses again.  

      "Harry I really don't want to tell you yet." I gripped a handful of his shirt. Sweat was dripping down his face from running around on stage.  

     "Please. I'm not going out there until you tell me." He gets closer to my face.  

     "Fine...I erm..." I paused. "I don't know how to say this." He traced my hips with his finger tips and looked at me. His eyes were so deep and demanding. "I'm pregnant." He let his mouth drop open a little. "I knew it, you don't love me anymore."  

     "Dammit Madi, I'll always love you." He kisses me, pushing me flatt on the top of the speaker. "We'll have this kid together, deal?"  

     "Deal." He shook my hand and smirked.  

       "I got to go back out there now baby." He said kissing me one last time and he ran up the steps. It was like I never left him. It was like I never cheated. He loved me like he did before this craziness happened. I stood and watched them from teh steps. I gave Eleanor a thumbs up and she winked back at me. The music started up again and they began to sing Still The One. In the middle of the song Louis ran back and threw me over his shoulder. 

          "Louis Tomlinson!" I screamed and began to thrash around. "Put me down!"  He set me in the middle of the stage and started to run off again. 

     "You're still the one!" Harry grabbed my hand and sang his solo directly to me. I tried to pull away but Liam and Niall were both standing behind me. They finished the song with me standing up. This is probably one of the most embarrassing thing that's happened to me yet. "Madi," He cleared his throat. "yeah, I know we've had issues but I'll work through that. I love you and I still want to marry you. Will you marry me?" I nodded and he jumped up and kissed me. The fans went a little crazy. Some of them screaming in fear, their  Harry marrying me? Who would want that? I'm a dirty cheater. "Thank you so much." He kisses me again and puts his microphone down and looks back down at me. "We can take care of this baby together, I'll be there. Through everything." He takes me back stage where Eleanor was waiting and left me back there. 

    "We can go back to their dressing room and relax there if you want." She suggested. I agree and we head back to the big room with the giant black couch. "FIFA!" She turned on the guys' XBOX and hands me a controller. We play for about another until the music stops. She puts the controllers back and makes it look like we never touched their treasured game system. The door opened and All five of them walked through. 

     "Damn El!" Niall yelled and covered himself. 

     "Niall, where are your pants?" I asked. 

    "The boys pulled them off of me and Louis wouldn't give me them back." He said, his face bright red. 

    "Then how come you don't care if I see you naked?" I raised my eyebrow. 

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