Absolute Best

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"C'mon! We have to go!" Harry pulled me by the arm.

     "No! I really don't want to!" I beg him and don't move off the couch. "I don't want to be in the hospital yet!" I take his hand and squeeze it again. "Oh gosh." I get up and walk around in the circle.

"Are you okay?" He asks and walks with me.

"Harold, a baby is coming out of me. Of course I'm not okay!" I speak sourly.

"Gosh love..." He says in a hush.

"I'm Sorry but you try having a baby out of your willy!" I yell and take another lap.

"We're going to the hospital." Maura said as she throws Harry a bag that she's packed previously. "No buts Madison. Harry, help her out to the car. I'll drive."

"Oh my goodness." Harry says as he picks me up. "Man, you're heavy." I roll my eyes and I grip a chunk of his hair. "Ow!" He screeches. "Love let go!"

"You're never touching me in bed again!" I scream as another contraction hits harder than before. "Ever!" He sets me down in the car and takes my hand. "I swear if you get me pregnant again I will rip off your--"

"Madison," Maura said as she got in the drivers side. She starts the car and we drive to the hospital,which seems like forever. The car ride was silent, other than my occasional screaming at and insulting Harry. I didn't mean it when I said it but I get cranky when I'm hurting. We pull in the hospital and Harry runs up to the lobby and grabs a wheelchair. Maura helps me out and plops me in a chair.

"I want Har!" I whine and I few tears trickle down my face.

"I'm right here, love." I take his hand and Maura pushes us towards wherever the nurse said. They take me into a room where I'll have my baby. I wait for a few minutes before a doctor coems and checks me out.

"Well, I think it's going to be a while." She says. "I don't know why your contractions are so close together though." She walks out of the room and I lay back.

"Let's walk." I say and sit up.

"The nurses are going to get you settled and give you an IV." Maura said and I sighed. She was indeed right. I lay back and the little blonde nurse shoves a needle in my arm. Compared to labor, that was nothing. After they get me hooked up to every thing I need, I sit up.

"C'mon." I grab Harry's hand. "We can walk the halls, right Mom?" I ask and she nods. "Thanks, it helps." Harry unplugs my IV from the wall. I head out the door, Harry in one hand, the IV stand in the the other.

"Are you okay?" He looks down at me.

"Harold. You already asked that." I frowned and stopped walking for another.

"I'm sorry." He looks away and we continue to walk forward. This was taking a lot out of me. This is the eighth hour too but I'm not liking it. I stop in front of Harry and grip his shoulders. "Do you wanna head back love?"I shake my head. "Are you sure?" I nod. Gosh. This is tough. I know it's painful but it's mentally exhausting as well. I have to keep telling myself this will all be worth it in the end. Harry, our daughter, and myself will be a cute little adorable family. We turn around and head back after we reach the end of the hall. I lay back down in my bed once I get there and Harry pulls out his phone.

"Harold I need the epidural." I whine and he presses the nurse button without saying anything. The nurse comes in, I roll on my side, and she gives me the shot. "Thank you so much." It took just minutes for the pain to fade. I lay the back and relax. Harry wasn't talking now apparently. "Harbear what's wrong?" I look over at him.

"Nothing." He answers and I give him 'the look'. "Fine, you were being cranky and it was scary."

"I'm sorry. That's just how I take out my pain. I love you." I say and his face lights up.

"I love you too babe." He jumps up and kisses me. "How are you feeling?"

"To be honest, the pain killers are making me a little loopy." I giggle and lay my head back down. "Are we still in this together?"

"Of course!" He takes my hand and kisses it. Just as we sit down and get settled again there's a knock on the door. "Come in." Harry smiles and stands up. Niall, Louis, and Liam walked in and I held a big smile.

"Is she here yet?" Louis asked quietly with a smile.

"Nope." I hold my hands on my stomach. "Bout time though." He nods. "Oh look I'm having a contraction, who would have known." I laugh as I point at my monitor. Niall comes over and hugs me, only after hugging his mom.

"You feeling alright babe?" Niall asks and I nod. The boys surround my bed and talk about the last few shows Harry missed. Nothing big. The boys continue to talk, question us about names, and argue about who will be the best uncle. "Defiantly me." Niall smiled.

"Uh, no! You'll bleach her pretty curly brown hair!" Liam protested."She'll be a perfect when raised by me."

"Liam, really? I know I'm the best option. I'm fun!" Louis also butted in.

"Uh, Harry is going to raise our daughter. Thank you very much." I correct them.

"Fine then! What are you going to name her? Pleeeassse tell me!" Louis begs. Har and I have been keeping this secret and we weren't telling anyone now. I'm really surprised that Harry didn't let it slip on tour.

We talk for hours more before the guys decide it's time to go back and crash at Niall's house. Harry, as he should have, stayed.  

"I don't know why it's taking so long." I tell Harry after the doctor left. She said it will probably happen tomorrow morning. I'm not dilated like I should be but it's not a problem. I'm still jacked on pain killers that won't hurt the baby. Today, after the epidural, was actually a lovely day. Now that the boys are gone, Harry and I are sitting back watching the ICarly episode the boys were in. "Little hand guns." I mock him. 

     "It was in the script!"  He whined. "Get to sleep while you still can." He stood up and took the DVD out of the player. He throws the tie blanket he brought from home over me and pulls it over my chest. "In the morning, we'll have a baby." He kisses me and lays back down in the chair. I've been now in labor for the past eighteen hours and I'm really ready for this to be over. I'm ready to hold my baby. 

 I wake up and grab my side. My epidural has obviously worn off. The pain was a lot stronger than it was before. "Harold." I say, I think it's time. Officially time." I shake him and he jumps awake. A few tears roll down my face. The pain was sharp, not the same as before. "Harold I'm serious!" 

     "Oh my." He runs out to the hall and quickly his followed back in the room by a group of nurses and my doctor. 

    "Are you ready, Ms. McKay?" She asks and I barely nod. The pain was like a constant contraction. Harry had was holding me and one hand and talking on the phone to Louis with the other. He quickly hangs up and smiles at me. "Oh yes, we're having her right now, no questions asked." She also smiles at me and the nurses get my feet up. "A few long pushes and we'll be set. Ready, on three. One, two, three." I listen and do my absolute best to get the baby out. I look over at Harry who looked like he was on verge of losing it. His hand he wasn't holding me with was shaking and the beads of sweat rolled down his forehead. I nudge the nurse to my right. 

      "Lou Tomlin-- hallway...get him" I barely whisper. She nods and makes her way to the hall, returning with the tired looking boy bander. I  couldn't blame him, it was three in the morning. 

       "Lets do this Mads." He takes my left hand. 

       "Ready, push." The doctor says and I continue to scream. "Okay, maybe about three more and we'll have her out of there." I nod and Louis wipes my forehead with the sleeve of his PJ shirt. "Alright. Ready and go." I squeeze both of the guys' hands and close my eyes. 

     "C'mon, there are three boys out there who are very excited to see their niece. Let's do this." Louis gave me a little pep talk. 

        "And push." The doctor continued. "One more good last push." I brace my self and push. "Go." I pushed until the pain disappeared. "Well she's here." I sat and listened but the room was quiet, there was no cry.

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