:ch 12: overstayed

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"NABNAB!!! LET ME GO!!! PLEASE!!! HE'S OUT THERE!!!" Nabnaleeena screamed as she tried to get out of banbaleenas grip "NABNALEENA CALM DOWN!!!! HE'S OKAY!!! FLYNN WOULDN'T HURT HIM!!!" Opila shouted at her as she finally calmed down. She started to snuffle a bit as she rubbed all three of her eyes. Washing the tears off her face... "Y-you t-think so...?" She was stuttering a lot as she sobbed quietly. "Do any of you h-have a napkin..?" She asked as you placed your backpack down as you unzipped it. You took out a tissue box as she quickly took it from your hands as she blew her non-existent nose. You bend down as you look at her. "Better?" You asked her as she nodded her head. You reached out your hand as she grabbed it getting up. She glanced at nabnabs party hat as she took a deep breath nabnaleena put on nabnabs hat as she stood there confused. "So... what do we do now...?" Banbaleena asked worryingly "I don't really know... I'll figure something out... Just follow me" You said as you walked to the purple elevator as well as the others. Just when you were about to get on, out of nowhere one of stinger flynn's tentacles wrapped around the gate as he lifted himself up... "you have overstayed your welcome here y/n. I even made you an offer but guess what, accepting it is long overdue. But don't worry I won't get rid of any of you just yet. Especially nabnab" He said as he lifted his tentacle up just to see nabnab being held by him. You could hear him scream but you still couldn't help him since flynn could easily kill you and the others right now. "An old friend needs you all a lot more than I do. They too are on a path to achieve peace of mind.. I already have more than enough subjects to move forward with my aspiration and my ultimate mental refinement... You just take a little nap and I'll transfer you to where you're meant to be...." His tentacle went up to your face as you felt yourself get sleepy and sleepier.... "Goodnight precious..." (What)

 He spoke as you finally felt yourself go to sleep the others weren't awake so they were probably asleep with you... You felt yourself get lifted into the air while his tentacle wrapped around your waist. It felt like he was staring directly at you but you couldn't tell since your eyes were sealed closed... "Take them.. And make sure none of them escape..." He said as you felt yourself get passed on to someone or something large like him... You finally released yourself as your eyes opened just to be in a car "hey you, you're finally awake. Can't blame you for taking a nap tho... feels like we've been in this car forever." You looked over as you jumped in fright "Woah easy there! You almost crushed captain!" Banban said as you looked around wondering where you were. "Speaking of forever. So stinger, when are we arriving at this place called 'beach'?" Banban asked as you looked back seeing nabnab run instead of being in the car with you five 

"I believe we are lost." He spoke as you saw opila right beside him. She then screeched as if she was trying to speak "Nice, you had one job and you've already messed that up somehow" He rolled his eyes in annoyance as he sighed. "I am struggling to locate the being who asked for your opinion" Stinger flynn said as you cackled a bit "What do you think that's funny?" Banban asked you as you shake your head no. "Ugh.... At least put some music on... Since we're going to be out here for a while?" He said as flynn turned on the radio as music played "That's what i'm talking about" Banban said, he layed back as he vibed with the music. You stayed silent as you looked around wondering where you were and why you were here... "Opila what do you think about this?" He asked her as she turned her head over to him. She screeched again saying yes. "Awesome, how about you captain?" He turned his head over to him as he made this weird little sound as he waved his arms. "Okay decent answer" He then proceeded to lay back as the car was filled with silence nobody talked, nobody moved, Nobody did anything... "Can you turn the music off? It's starting to get annoying" Banban said as stinger sighed "Banban... You just asked for the music to be turned on... I AM NOT going to turn it off. So quit your yapping so I can focus on the road.." Stinger said as you heard the anger in his voice get louder. "What road?! We've been going in circles for hours!?!?! Never trust a jellyfish. Am I right opila?" Banban shouted as opila screeched again. flynn turned around directly looking at you and banban. "If your pathetic mouth utters another infuriating sentence, I will stuff your whole body in one of those stupid party hats on your head!!!" Stinger finally snapped as you saw something in front of a car... It was a cactus?! "STINGER WATCH OUT!!!" After you said that it was already too late... The car went flying as you fell to the ground, feeling yourself bleeding... Your eyes closed as you hoped everything would end soon enough... But, of course it wouldn't end the way you wanted.... You woke up again only to be in stingers body once more. "Ah... Sh*t here we go again..." You rolled your eye in annoyance as you saw something... It was a weird blue hand or tail.. You couldn't tell what it was. So, in that case, you approached it as it vanished... It went into the dark nowhere to be seen... You really didn't care though... You tapped the keypad as a door opened with two buttons  right in front of you. Without hesitation, you shot another ball of electricity as it revealed two more buttons on both of your sides. Again, you shot a ball of electricity at it only making four more buttons to appear and a platform. You hopped on the platform making your way down seeing another keypad you stretched your tentacle out as you pressed the button making the minigame start. The buttons started moving as you quickly shot more balls of electricity at it...

(Time skip brought to you by; Jumbo josh beating the sh*t out of Banban and stinger flynn)

You yawned as you walked over to the door pressing another keypad patiently waiting for the door to open. You walked in as you felt your vision get blurry again... You awoken only feeling yourself have a massive headache "Ow...." You said as you rubbed your forehead.... You looked only to see you, Banbaleena, Opila, And nabnaleena only to be sitting in the chair. "Y/n thank god you're awake...!" Banbaleena whispered. As you looked around confused "Where are w-" You were silenced by banbaleena putting her hand over your mouth. "Don't make to much noise...! He'll hear us...!" Banbaleena whispered again worried. You heard something groan as you didn't move... You only heard something.. Then it was gone... "Who was that?" You asked as banbaleena spoke.. "That's josh! He thinks we're some sort of dolls! We gotta escape...!" Opila said as you looked around more... "Nobody move... I'm going to figure out how to escape..." You said getting out of your seat slowly. Not making a sound.. You gently removed the blocks out of the way as you collected two orange blocks. The lights flashed red as you quickly placed the blocks back in order.. You ran back too your seat as you sat down seeing jumbo josh look around the room.. Nothing was changed...... 


"Quick guys over here!" You all rushed to the door as you ran not looking back. "Phew... That was close...!" Opila panted as well as the rest of you all. "Thanks y/n. You saved us!" Banbaleena pleaded you as you smiled "No need to thank me....!" You spoke, you looked around the room noticing nabnab was missing "Where's Nab?" You asked as they all looked around for him... "Maybe stinger still has him..." Nabnaleena sighed. Hopefully nab wasn't hurt... Once more, you all hopped on the purple elevator moving to the progressive sector. The elevator stopped as you jumped off the elevator as you swiped the green key card against the keypad. The door opened only to see... Opila bird math? What? "Huh... What is thi-" After you said that nabnaleena started pressing buttons making the door open. "Easy" She said as you all walked in the room... There was a weird stick thingy.. its name was Mr. Kabob man. That's weird. You tried to pull it but it didn't work.... 


Hey everyone! I'm very sorry for the long breaks it's just I'm currently in a REALLY BAD Idea block.. So i'm sorry if the next chapter won't come out in the next two weeks :( 

Also, please do not pressure me to make the chapters fast.. I'm only going to make my mental health worse if I do :( I will try my best too publish them...

- Signing off for about a week or so...


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