Chapter Eleven

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"Got everything Nikki?" Mackenzie asked while they both stood in the hallway two weeks later.

"Yes, Ive got everything I need. There was not much to pack for one night, but I did pack some special items." Nikki grinned.

"Okay, that's too much information Nikki." Mackenzie grimaced.

Nikki laughed loudly. "I didn't mean it like that."

"Mmmm," Mackenzie replied, knowing Nikki meant it exactly like that.

The front door opened and Jack appeared in the hallway. He was wearing a grey boxing shirt from his gym, dark grey jeans and a pair of sunglasses.

It was nearly 8 AM and the sun was already shining brightly. Jack had picked out a good weekend for some time alone with Nikki.

"Can I load your suitcase into the car Nik?" He asked with a smile.

Nikki nodded and smiled back at him. "Yes please," She watched him grab her small suitcase and walk out the door again, this time leaving the door open. "Thank you!" She shouted after him.

Nikki turned to Mackenzie again. "You're sure about this right?"

Mackenzie nodded with a genuine smile. "Yes, please just go and have fun."

Nikki walked over to the front door and stood on the threshold. "Promise to call if you need us?"

"I promise." She reassured.

Jack closed the boot of his car and walked up to Nikki and Mackenzie. he wrapped his arm around Nikki's shoulder. "Ready?"

"Yes." Nikki replied smiling up at him.

Jack unwrapped his arm from her shoulder and grabbed his wallet from his jeans pocket. Opening it he pulled out a bank note and handed it over to Mackenzie.

"Here, get some pizza tonight or whatever you and Cara want."

"You don't ha-" Mackenzie couldn't finish her sentence as Nikki grabbed the note from Jack and put it in Mackenzie's hand.

"Take it." She told her.

"Fine," Mackenzie giggled as she was pulled into a hug by Nikki.

"I'll text you later, and-" Now Mackenzie was the one who interrupted Nikki.

"Yes I'll call you if I need to."

Nikki pulled away and smiled at her. "Good."

"Now please go, Cara will be here soon. Don't worry about me please, I'll see you tomorrow," Mackenzie waved her hands gesturing for them to go.

Nikki nodded and said her goodbyes one more time with a small huh before walking over to Jack's car and settling herself in the passenger seat.

Mackenzie waited until she was inside before looking at Jack. "She has no clue."

"Good," He looked over to the car to see Nikki putting on her sunglasses and looking at herself in the mirror in front of her. He smiled at her without her noticing.

He looked back at Mackenzie and gave her a high five, their new greeting to each other. "Thank you for keeping the secret, you're a gem."

"No problem, tomorrow I expect to see a ring on her finger. Have fun and take good care of her.

"Thanks kiddo, I will" He emphasized the 'good' with a smug smile before walking to the drivers side.

"Too much information, again." Mackenzie rolled her eyes.

"See you tomorrow, you know how to reach us, give my love to Cara," Jack said opening the car door.

"I will, bye!" Mackenzie says before Jack got in and closed his door. He started the engine and reversed the car from their private parking spot onto the main road.

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