Rebel Profile: Ebony White

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Full Name
Ebony Honey White

Apple White & Raven Queen

Parent's Story
Apple White & the Seven Dwarfs

Powerful Qualities
Compassionate | Friendly | Prudent

Rowena Queen

Secret Heart's Desire
I want to settle down with my girlfriend in a castle that isn't my sister's birthright.

My "Magic" Touch
Like my mama, when I bat my eyes or sing a song, boys and animals will rush to help me. Why it doesn't work on girls, I don't know... wish it did.

Storybook Romance Status
My girlfriend, Diana Charming has my entire heart. She's perfect.

"Oh Curses!" Moment
I'm... Very clumsy. I trip over all the time, even if there's nothing for me to possibly trip over. I'm definitely not the most graceful princess.

Favourite Subject
Theatre, I've been told I'm a talented actress so I take pride in that.

Least Favourite Subject
Kingdom Management. Ever After isn't my kingdom to rule, it's my sister's. She's older than me.

Best Friends Forever After
I'm very close to Fleur Charming, we've known each other forever after and of course, Diana and Rowena can read me better than anyone else.

Alternate Appearance

Alternate Appearance

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