Royal Profile: Reed Redford

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Full Name
Reed Rowan Redford

Alistair Wonderland, Bunny Blanc & Chase Redford

Parent's Story
Alistair's Adventures in Wonderland

Corey Charming

Secret Heart's Desire
I'm the first male Beauty in history so I guess I just wanna prove the role isn't just for women.

My "Magic" Touch
I'm a proficient sword fighter, it won't do much for me in the long run but a good duel never hurts anyone... most of the time.

Storybook Romance Status
Fleur Charming is my destiny, I love her with all my heart. I don't know what I'd do without her.

"Oh Curses!" Moment
I grew up in Wonderland my entire life so I don't get all the customs and inner workings of Ever After just yet.

Favourite Subject
Hero Training. I'm no Knight of Wonderland but I love duelling. It really gives me the rush I need.

Least Favourite Subject
Dragon Slaying. Dragons scare the living daylights out of me. You bring one of those out in front of me, I will run back to Wonderland.

Best Friends Forever After
My roommate Corey Charming was the first person I made friends with when I came to Ever After. I also have to say my bonus siblings Alison and Adrian Wonderland, they really helped me settle in.

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