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AS THE SUN SETTLED IN THE 'BANKS, SO DID RAVENS NERVES. The brunette ran late thanks to her overthinking about the interaction with her Aunt, but surprisingly she handled better than Raven thought. Hopefully it'll stay like that, but that was like expecting JJ to be a law-abiding citizen.

Peddling into the boneyard, Raven squinted her eyes to find any of her friends, but they were too busy in their own little worlds flirting with people, talking about dead bodies, or the friend's zodiac signs. The sound of the snapping twigs were barely audible over the blasting music. Nevertheless Raven snuck over to the bushes to hide her bike, so no sticky fingers would be able to find it.

Walking back to the crowd, there were noticeable branches, twigs and rocks that were used to make skeletons and some skulls. It was most like Pope, John B, and JJ's magnum opus created to scare off tourists and Kooks. 

On the other side of the yard was a blonde girl wearing a blue floral dress spinning in circles. It brought a smile to her face knowing Sarah never changed, she was still that adventurous spirit that liked going shopping and still having a fun time enjoying her own company.

"Sarah!" Raven yelled, waving her hands.

"Raven." She responded with a toothy grin and jogged up to the brunette. They jumped in each other's arms squeezing each other for dear life.

Sarah might have been Kook royalty, but it didn't mean much. There wasn't anyone she could trust with her secrets, crushes, fashion, and this weird empty feeling she's had lately. A part of Sarah felt like Raven coming back was a sign- it was what she needed.

Pulling apart the pair fixed their posture and took a minute to catch their breath. "I'm so sorry I was late," Raven admitted and looked at the time to see she was over a few minutes late.

Sarah shook her head, and cupped Raven's face."I don't care. I'm just happy you're here. Your aunt came by this morning and asked did I miss having you back. In my head, I was so confused like when did she even come back? Then I got all excited and happy." She giggled letting her alcoholic breath hit Raven's nose.

"But don't worry, I covered for you. What are you doing anyways?" Sarah dropped her hands awaiting an explanation.

Raven bit her and tilted her head realizing what she was actually doing sounded stupid out loud than in her head. "Surfing..."

"Are you serious?" Sarah's mouth dropped.

"What? It was the best time to catch waves, and I would totally do it again. You see I'm not dead," Raven replied, reaching over to close her mouth shut.

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