Chapter 2

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       Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

Y/n's POV

The next few days you've been healing greatly. You've gotten to understand the butterfly lady more, who was called Shinobu Kocho. Since you were a goddess, your healing abilities are more developed than human healing.

You stared at the scars on your stomach before sighing, knowing your parents were going to kill you. You got changed into a F/C and dark blue kimono before Shinobu walked into the room,
" My Master would like to have a meeting with you,"

You raised your eyebrow but nodded anyways, making you wonder what he wanted. She had explained to you about the demon slayer corps and the person who gives the orders and missions. You were surprised how efficient humans were.

You followed her down the pathway in the woods for a few minutes before reaching the estate. You waved your goodbyes to her before walking inside, admiring the architecture surrounding the place.

Two girls with short, white hair appeared and guided you to the room that Kagaya was in. They opened the shoji doors to that he was sat on a pillow with a small smile on his face. The first thing you noticed was the purple scar that travelled down his face and over his eyes.

You walked in, hearing the shoji doors close behind you, before sitting in front of the man. He sensed your presence,
" You must be Y/n, I believe,"

" Yes, sir,"

He chuckled at your formalities before explaining that he got a letter from Giyu Tomioka, who was the one who saved you from the demon. He told you that he saw potential in you and that you were somehow different than other people.

Kagaya requested,
" Y/n, would you want to become a demon slayer?"

You thought for a moment, knowing the training would take years to master. You thought back to being trapped in your castle from constant princess duties. Becoming a demon slayer would be way more fun than that.

You smiled at him,
" Yes, sir, I would like to become a demon slayer,"

He smiled in a kind manner at your request before someone else walked into the room. You looked over to see a boy around your age. He had long, black hair with mint green tips with emotionless minty blue eyes.

He sat down a few feet away from beside you, completely ignoring your presence,
" You called, Master,"

" Muichiro, I would like you to train Y/n under your hands, if that's okay?"

Muichiro glanced at you from the corner of his eye, the room went silent for a moment, making the tension rise. He responded, his voice was just as emotionless as his facial expression,
" As you wish, master,"

After the meeting, you were walking back to his estate with him in silence. The silence was very loud, making the atmosphere awkward. You were sure only you felt awkward and not Muichiro, from the looks of it, he didn't even care.

30 minutes later, you arrived at his estate before you were thrown a large, wooden stick, it was the same exact size as a katana. You caught it with a confused expression before he hit your stick at an insane amount of speed and strength.

You gripped the stick tight as you began to dodge his attacks. Ever since you were little, you've been sneaking into the royal guard area and watching them train in combat.

He suddenly disappeared from sight before you felt someone kick your back, sending you to fall on the floor.

He commented in an emotionless tone,
" You're quick, but not quick enough. Never let your guard down,"

You nodded in determination before starting again. This continued for hours, and you noticed that Muichiro didn't break a sweat throughout them. You must admit, the gods and goddesses do underestimate humans sometimes.

Muichiro sighed,
" We're finished for today, well continue tomorrow. I expect you to be up no more later than 8,"

He then walked into his estate to prepare you a room, leaving you to cry inside from the early morning you had to encounter. You decided to make some ramen since you've noticed he hasn't eaten in a few hours. You hummed quietly to yourself as you placed the food in a two bowls before placing it on the table.

Muichiro walked in to the smell of fresh, warm udon to see you had prepared it in under 10 minutes. He gave you a quiet thanks before sitting across from you to eat. The room was silent as you ate, but you didn't mind it since it was usually like this at the palace.

He ended up glancing at your amulet that was dangling from your neck, noticing how it shined all shades of blue under the sunlight. He had never seen anything quite like it.

He broke the silence,
" Where did you get that necklace from?"

Even though he asked a question, not a trace of emotion filled his voice. You kind of felt bad for him since he had obviously been through a lot, which led him to being this way.

You glanced down at the necklace before responding,
" My Aunt gave it me as a present, she knew how much I hated living under the same roof every day without leaving. So she gave me the chance,"

He hummed in response as an interest towards you and your backstory slowly grew inside of him without him knowing or realising. He examined your features, noticing how they're more etherial and goddess like to any other girl he's seen.

He inspected the way you ate, which was in a very tidy and polite manner, almost to tidy. He came to the conclusion you were from a high status family, a rich family. He continued to eat his ramen, the hunger of not eating all day came back to him like a wave.

You must say. You couldn't wait to become a demon slayer.


Meanwhile with your parents

The castle was more gloomy than usual from your disappearance. Your Mother was constantly worrying about you, not being able to sleep from all the thoughts.

Your Father had ordered every guard in the castle to find her and had requested other gods and goddesses to keep an eye out for her.

Your fiancé wasn't happy of the news and did nothing but worry about you. He went out on patrols to look for you by going to all your favourite places, but you were never to be seen.

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