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Y/n's POV

You sighed heavily as you stared at the wall of your room, wanting nothing more but to be free. Your room was large and bright, which consisted of a small library, a Queen sized bed and a separate room, were all your clothes and shoes are neatly placed.

Ever since you were a kid, you've dreamed off being free from constant orders and royalty precautions. It was a lot of pressure on you. You would read a lot about the human world, learning that some countries were more advanced than others, and some more dangerous than others.

Your large, bedroom doors opened that looked as delicate as ice. The sound of high heels filled the room to see your Mother standing there with a small smile. Her hair was long and black, which was neatly brushed. Her dress was as white as snow that ended just above her ankles.

She smiled at you,
" It's time to see your betrothed,"

You nodded, wanting to roll your eyes in that moment. You hated arranged marriages, your parents never understood why you couldn't just find a partner for yourself. This was another reason why you want to be free, to get away from expectations.

You walked down the long hallways of the castle, glancing at portraits of many Gods and Goddesses before walking into the main hall. There you saw your Father and your betrothed talking to each other.

Minato, your betrothed, walked up to you with a smirk before kissing your hand, making you want to shove his hand away on the spot. Your Mother and Father were pleased with the scene, ignoring the fact that you hated this arrangement.

He smirked,
" You look as beautiful from the day we met, "

You just thanked him, not bothered by his compliment as he pulled you closer by the waist. You wanted to push him away, your body was practically screaming at you to stop him, but you couldn't.

Minato was another prince, the god of Jealousy, which is understandable considering he gets jealous at everything.

Your Father suggested,
" How about you stay for dinner, Minato? It should be ready in a few minutes,"

" It would be my honour, My King,"

After he said those words, one of the butlers walked in, announcing that dinner was ready. You walked towards the long table in the other room, to see many kinds of food that were neatly stacked on each other.

You sat down on a chair, finally free from Minato's touch before placing some fruit and bread on your plate. As you and your family ate, your Mother exclaimed with an excited grin,
" So when you both get married in three months, what will are you planning on doing next?"

You just shrugged as Minato responded with a smirk,
" Well, considering we're old enough, I'm guessing after a few years we'll start a family. It would be delightful for her to carry my children,"

Your eyes widened at his plan, resisting the urge to slap him. His arrogance and attitude really pissed you off, but as always, you contained it and remained calm. If you didn't, you'd most likely be grounded for a whole month.

Your parents eyes widened in response before letting out excited smiles,
" That would be great! I can't wait for grandchildren,"

You sighed heavily as you glared at the pieces of bread on your plate. Your parent's never understood how much you didn't want to arrange this, they say it's for the family, but in truth, it's for their own benefit.

After the meal and saying goodbye to your fiancé, who was going back to his castle, you walked into your room before curling up into a ball on your window still. You begged that you had freedom, that you could do what you want.

Even the most powerful beings don't have the ability to get what they want.

" Dearie, wipe those tears before I wipe them for you,"

You flinched at the sudden voice to see your auntie stood there with a grin. Her waist length, brown hair was neatly placed into a bun. Her blood red eyes matched her dark blue dress.

You smiled brightly before hugging her tightly at her sudden appearance. Your Mother and her never really got along, since they have some past drama together as kids.

She asked as she played with a few strands of your hair,
" I want to be free from these expectations, I don't want to be married to someone I don't want to, I don't want to have all these rules surround me,"

She hummed in response as the room went silent before placing the amulet she wore around your neck. It was a beautiful colour, mixed with all different types of blues, which looked like it glowed in the midnight.

You asked in curiosity,
" What's with the sudden gift?"

She stated,
" I can give you what you want, all Gods and Goddesses never stay in this world forever, but I must warn you. It's a life for a life situation, or both lives go down,"

Before you could thank her, you were pushed into a large, black portal that you didn't even notice formed behind you. The amulet glowed from the contact before you vanished without a trace.

Your Aunt chuckled in response as she sorted out her dress,
" Part 1 of my plan done, well done Y/n, you did great,"

She then laughed like a maniac before disappearing into a cloud of black smoke.

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