Chapter 15

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Chapter 15

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Chapter 15

Y/n's POV

You were both awoken by loud noises coming from outside. The sound of voices. You shuffled in your sleep a bit, hugging Muichiro's waist before your bedroom doors burst open.

You jumped up from your sleep, sighing in relief and confusion to see your Mother. She had a panicked expression as she dragged you out of bed,
" Minato's family is attacking! We have to get you both safe,"

Muichiro sat up, rubbing his eyes and glancing at the two of you. Your eyes widened at the news before running to your balcony doors and opening them. The first thing you saw was lots of smoke.

You slowly walked towards the end of the balcony, listening to people fight and battle for their lives. There were different soldiers fighting the royal guard, ignoring the people who were screaming for their life around them.

Your Mother sighed,
" Zeus, Athena, Triton and other gods are on their way to stand beside us in battle,"

You nodded in response, feeling Muichiro interlocking his hand with yours. You wanted to fight but remembered that you were a human now. You couldn't help but feel as if this was your fault.

You sensed from downstairs that the Gods and Goddesses have arrived to prepare for battle. You turned to Muichiro before kissing his lips for a few seconds,
" Promise me you'll be alright?"

He cupped your cheek whilst moving a strand of hair out of your face,
" I should be the one worrying for you, "

You sent him a small smile before hugging him tightly, not wanting to let go. You loved him to much to let him go. You could hear his heart beat, calming you down with a sigh.

He hugged back, keeping you close. You both pulled away before going downstairs, hand in hand with determined expressions. You walked into the room to see quite a lot of Gods and Goddesses ready for war.

Athena walked up to you, her long, white battle dress glooming in the sunlight. She was a very beautiful goddess. Her hair looked long and soft, which was neatly brushed.

She glanced between you both,
" I sense strong and unconditional love here, it's nothing I've ever seen or witnessed,"

You felt the hold of Muichiro's grip tighten at her statement as you thanked her. The conversation was interrupted by the sound of guards trying to break down the door from the other side.

All the guards and gods prepared for battle, but you realized that they weren't enough to take down an entire army. You quickly thought of something before staring at your hands, thinking of a dangerous yet powerful idea.

You could get seriously harmed doing it, physically and emotionally. Muichiro examined your expression, knowing that you were thinking or planning something,
" Y/n, what's wrong?"

You pecked him on the cheek, before touching every god and goddesses's arm in the room. Your hands glowed a bright glow, brighter than the sun. You transferred all of them energy and power to defend and protect themselves, along with the palace.

All the energy was being sucked out of you like a vacuum. Muichiro ran and caught your body before it hit the floor, panic flooding into his veins as the door finally broke down. He placed his head against your chests, being thankful that he found a heart beat.

He glared at the guards that were not attacking, blaming them for your actions. He unsheathed his sword before moving at an inhuman speed, slashing all of their throats in a heart beat. Some of the Gods eyes widened at the talent in the boy.

Your Mother ran up to you with tears pricking her eyes,
" She's passed out from exhaustion! There's nothing we can do other than to wait,"

Muichiro picked you up bridal style before taking you back to your room, wanting you to be safe and comfortable. He would be lying if he said he wasn't worried for you. He wanted to live his life with you to the fullest.

He placed you on your bed before snuggling beside you, holding your hand that barely held his. He would wait all year for you to wake up if he had to. He kissed your forehead before drifting off to sleep, not caring that there was a battle going on downstairs.

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