What Will Happen

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Year: 1970

~~~~~~~~~~John's POV~~~~~~~

I can't believe this, the Beatles are coming to an end. What will happen between us. I don't want to be away from Paul, even though we haven't done anything since our plans ride to California in 1964. Oh my god, I miss his touch. But there's nothing I can do now, he's with Linda and he has two kids. There's no chance of me being with him now.

"George, can I talk to ye about something?" I asked.

"My song or do ye actually have a problem?"

"I have a problem."

"Then talk to Ringo, he's in the other room."

"Fine!" I got up from the dining room table and walked into Ringo's study. "Hey Rings,"

"What do ye want, I'm very busy."

"Busy doin what?" I chuckled.

"Who do ye think pays the bills around here?"

"I thought George did, but I thought wrong."

"Yeah, ye did, what do ye want?"

"I need advice."


He put down his pen and groaned.

"Pull up a chair." I did as Ringo said. "Start talkin."

"Well first, I wanna know how ye had the courage to start datin George."

"We both loved each other."

"What happens if Paul doesn't love me?"

"John! He's married and has 2 kids! Let him go! It's obviously not ment to be!"

"What if it's just a cover? We all know that he's not as strong as ye and George. Goin againt everyone and riskin everything just so ye two can get married."

"What's yer point John?"

"The point is, what if Paul is usin Linda as a cover up!"

"And why would he do that John?"

"So he doesn't ruin his career!"

"John, let him be! I hate to say it but, The Beatles are over, yer probably never gonna see him again."




"JUST DONT DO ANYTHIN STUPID LENNON!" Ringo shouted as I slammed the front door. "He's gonna do somethin stupid."

~~~~~~~~~~Paul's POV~~~~~~~~

The Beatles were officially over so now I was on my own for writing songs. As I was writing a new album, Linda had taken the kids out so I could have some time alone. Then I heard a knock at the door.


"Hi Paul..."

"Would ye like to come in?"

"Sure, that'd be great. Thank ye."
I showed him in and sat him down on the couch.

"So what have ye been up to?"


"Meet any birds lately?"

"No, not lately."

"John, ye have to get over me!"


"Calm down John!"

"I'm sorry Paul..." He looked to the floor. "Paul, did ye ever love me?"

"Yes," I whispered.




"Sex means nothin John!"

I saw him staring at me, trying to look in my eyes, but I kept looking away. He placed his hand on my knee.

"Paul, I love ye, I always have. And that's never going to change." I remaind silent and still refused to look into his eyes. "I understand if ye don't wanna be with me, considerin that yer with Linda and you've got two kids. But just know that I will always love ye."
He stood up from the couch and I grabbed his hand. He looked down and our eyes met.

"Fuck me," I said

"What?" He chuckled. I pulled him back down to the couch and kissed him. He pulled away and had a confused look on his face. "What are ye doin?"

"This is what you've always wanted. Wasn't it?"

"Yes but, Linda?"

"Fuck Linda! I don't love her!"
I leaned in again, but John refused.

"I don't feel comfortable doin this Paul."
I frowned and grabbed his hand.

"Close yer eyes and come with me."


He closed his eyes and carefully stood up from the couch. I brought him into my bedroom and sat him down in the bed. As I walked in the room I closed and locked the door.

"Paul, what are we doin in here?"

"Ye said ye weren't comfortable," I climbed on top of him and kissed his neck, "so I thought the bed would help."

I cupped his face and began kissing him passionately. He hesitantly cupped my face and began kissing back. He began licking my lips, trying to gain access to inside my mouth, I let him. He began sucking my tongue and kissing me even harder.
I pulled away, still laying on top of him, and pulled his shirt off. I began kissing his chest and worked his way down to his trousers. I began pulling off his pants and soon his underwear. I soon began giving him a blow job.

"Oh my god macca," John moaned. "Lemme do you."

He got up and somehow managed to get me in his position. He took off my shirt and kissed my chest. He quickly took off my trousers and he had me on my hands and knees. Before I knew it he was thrusting his penis deep in me.

"Oh my god John!" I loudly moaned. "Don't stop! Faster!" John did as I said and before we knew it, we both came. "Oh my god John," I said falling onto my back. "That was amazin!"

"I love ye macca."

"I love ye too John," I said while cuddling up in bed with him.

"When are ye gonna tell Linda ye love me?" He chuckled.

"EHMMM!" John and I nervously looked to the doorway. "I already know."

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