2) Love effect

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The sun has risen, with the permission of her Lord, so that we may start a new day.

I got up before the alarm went off full of passion and enthusiasm, took a cold shower.
And kissed my mother's hand then went to school with a wide smile.

Today is the promised day.

I will meet her again, but this time I have a mission.
She must know my name.
It may seem like a naive goal to you.

But it was my dream to hear my name utter from her cute little mouth.

When I entered school that day, it was different.
I saw some boys looking at me. This didn't happen before.
I was treated like John Cena as if I was invisible.

Anyway, I sat in the last seat as usual and waited for her to come in.
I was looking at the door as if it were one of the gates of heaven. when she entered and sat next to me, I felt as if I had not seen her yesterday.

As if she had become more beautiful in those hours, and as if she was getting sweeter as the minutes passes away.
She smiled at me then turned her face to look at the board.

I said, "John."

"Excuse me ?" She replied while turning to me with a blushing smile.

"My name ... It's John,
sorry I didn't respond to you yesterday."

"John is a beautiful name" she said

"only you know my name"

"What? This can't be true," she whispered, Then she turned back and asked a girl : "Excuse me, do you know the name of this fellow of ours" while pointing at me.

She said, "No, maybe his name is Peter or something like that Idk.

Leia wondered and asked "How does the teacher call the absence statement here then?".

"She calls the absence statement by the family name, not by the first name"

"And where are your friends? Doesn't anyone from them know your first name?" she kept wondering.

I smiled, trying to hide the pain on my face, but it was clear in my tone of voice, "I don't have any friends."

She said to me in gentle anger "who am I then?"

At that time, I wanted to tell her that she's life after my death.
I was choking and she was the breath.
My hearing after I was deaf.
My eyes after I was blind.
And there's's only her in my mind.
No matter how much I search for a girl like her, I will never find.

But I just said :
"You are my friend, my only friend, Leia."

So she laughed.

And what a beautiful laugh she has, If an army saw that smile, it would've been defeated with all its weapons for sure.

Leia was like a message of support from God.
In order to complete this difficult period without apathy and despair.

She was my only reason to smile.

I loved my smiles under the influence of her words.

I loved everything about her, all of her details, how she talk, how she walk, how she look, and how she feel about things.

She became my best friend,
In reality, she's my only friend.

We used to study together and eat together during breaks.

She was trying to learn to cook because she wanted to be a famous chef in the future, so she used to make cakes with chocolate at home then bring it to me.
But it was bad. Like really bad.
Like eating tissue paper.

I couldn't tell her that and destroy her innocent smile or kill her passion with my words, that's why I always was telling her while faking a smile "this is the tastiest cake I've ever tasted" With eyes filled with tears.

I only lied to her to protect her feelings.
How afraid I was to hurt her, even with one letter.
I also liked her cakes, not for the taste, obviously, but because the ingredients came into contact with her hand.

Everything that touches her hand is beautiful.
I even kept a pen that I had lent to her one day, and I never wrote with it after that, because what beauty, after the beauty of her writing can be written?

Despite her beauty that overwhelmed me.
School was still a nuisance to me.

It has good teachers, yes, but they are rare.
Most of the teachers were harsh and gruff.

Especially an English teacher. His name was Mekhi, he was tall and bald-headed.

He liked to make fun of students who didn't do their homework.

He thought that making fun of the person would motivate him to prove to everyone that he was the best by studying hard in order to gain respect.
But this is a failed teaching method.
It used to make you hate and hold a grudge against him.

All classes were filled with humming from the students except his class, everyone was silent as if they were statues.

My seat was shaking sometimes because Leia was afraid of him. Leia would shake her foot when she got nervous or scared.

I was afraid of him too, but I hated to see her afraid as me.
I would poke her in the shoulder nicely and tell her "It's okay, be calm, no one will make fun of you, you never forget your homework. You are the smartest in this class."

This made her stop shaking her tender feet.

As for the Art teacher, she was nice, she loved Leia, as she was a great artist, who loved drawing and was so creative in it.
This doesn't prevent that she didn't know my name as well. Treats me marginalized, as the rest of the teachers do.
But she was nice to Leia, and it's enough.

Leia's drawings have always caught my attention.
It reflected her personality and feelings, as if every drawing is a mirror of what is going on in her mind.

She tended to paint picturesque nature and everything that causes optimism, such as butterflies, sunrises, a laughing girl, rainbows, and everything that is charming .

I always wondered how art can paint art.

She was perfect in every way. creative and smart,
Gorgeous and cute, she was soft like a cloud, and shiny as a sun.

The most beautiful thing about this relationship between me and her, that it was honest and innocent, free of all kinds of fabrication or representation and masks.

I wish that period would not end and that things would not change as they are now.

Because I have her, I have Leia.
I have a life, a delightful life.

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