6) The Fu***ing Idea

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"Damn you, I'm going to sleep man" Said Mark. while covering his head with the pillow.

Idris replied confidently "It's a good idea you'll regret it"

"Just say it dude stop the drama" Mark and I yelled.

"Okay chill, In the previous period, I was studying programming, so , what if we developed our little online shopping site? Huh, wouldn't it be cooool ?".

"Yeah sure, cause all people are as lazy as your ass to go to the supermarket themselves, duh" Said Mark.

"Haha so funny, At least I'm thinking not like you"

" Oh oh, so here's my idea, what about YOU JUST SHUT TF UP" Said Mark.

"I like it" I said while I was looking at the ceiling and thinking about his idea.

Mark wondered "What? I will never understand you nerds".

"No just think about it, We won't lose anything, let's give it a try.

all ideas start out as trivial or not that meaningful, but they may become something great in the future, who knows?
and as Earl Nightingale once said:
“Everything begins with an idea”.

"Alright stop that wisdom radio, I don't know how you memories all this quotes anyway, so ... Id, How can we help?"

"Well, I will need some money and ... helping in the ideas as well, oh and how about planning a party?" Said Idris.

"A Party?, Isn't it too early to celebrate your failure?"
Said Mark.

"No Mr. Stand-up-comedian, just let's get to know our colleagues more here ... speaking of colleagues, You've never mentioned your roommate, always setting here with us, what's wrong with him?"

" Well ... Ahhhmm .. he's .. bffff .. you know "

"Low signal, can't hear you, over. "Said Id.

I smiled cause I saw magic turn on the magician, Mark being mocked, what a day.

Mark said "How do I say it politely? He cleans our room everyday, and gets angry if I leave the toilet lid open".

Id said "so he's basically gay".

" Yup, totally gay " I said.

"And why would that make you angry, aren't you gay too?
Id said while smiling a sly smile trying to get Mark mad.

"No man, From the looks he looks at our Spanish teacher, I guarantee you, he's quite straight"
I said in Mark's defense, Mark is a little blunt but worth defending.

Then I continued, "Enough talking, when are we gonna organize this party?"

We started organizing the party and sent out the invitations, our colleagues began to come, bookworms came and Idris was happy with them as they were talking about strange sciences that I would never hear in my life again.

Mark was with the ladies, of course.

As for me, I was just watching.  And it goes around in my head how people assume imaginary personalities in order to impress those in front of them.

Mark was pretending to be nice, if I were the one wearing those glasses that girl wears, he would make fun of me with a thousand jokes atleast
And Idris was faking his knowledge of some information. This was clear in the tone of his voice. In fact, everyone was faking.

This was clear, perhaps not to all people, but I felt the lies around me as if it was flying in the air. I felt laughter that was not from the heart, and words that seemed to be from behind the hearts.  Then I saw something worse than this.

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