
430 7 0

Clara Hernandez

Women in our world were mere pawns in the games played by men. Our word held no respect or whatsoever. The only thing we were capable was for producing heirs and looking pretty in the arms of our husbands. And even though I hated it, I was forced to accept what laid in front of me.

Being the only daughter of the Spanish mafia came with responsibilities.

Responsibilities such as marrying 'il diavolo' (the devil)

When I was young I always saw him as my prince charming. 

The one who is going to slay the demons for me. 

The one who would ride with me off the sunset.

But this isn't that kind of world is it? There are no prince charming in the mafia. Especially not my devil of a husband who couldn't give two fucks about me.

Every action of his is a part of the game no one knows about.

And me?

I'm just a pawn he thinks he is playing.

But I think he forgot that the queen is the most important part of his game and it's about damn time I remind him that.

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