Chapter 7

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Sebastian Hernandez


"You're fired." I growl as I push aside the nurse who looks like she'd rather die than face me right now.

Quickening my pace I ignore the her scrambling behind me. Fucking people can't do a fucking thing right. I don't pay her to fucking slack

"S-Sir I-I c-couldn't do a-anything about her-" her stuttering voice only pisses me off and I shoot a glare behind me which makes her shut up pretty quickly.

Just as I enter the mansion I face an other inconvenience, my fucking father. Knowing that my emotions were all masked behind a blank mask I offer him a nod and hope, for his sake, that he doesn't stop me.

"Son weren't you at your bachelors party?" the old man asks and I stop my stride with gritted teeth.

Don't piss me off further old man.

For your fucking sake.

"No I had work." I reply only because he's also my fucking Capo. I start my journey again only to be stopped by his words.

"I bet you can't wait for tomorrow." I slowly turn around knowing what's going to come out of his mouth. "Such a young wife. It would surely be a great pleasure to break through that tight pussy. If only I could have a taste-" I lunge forward only to be stopped by a death grip on my shoulders.

"There you are brother." Riccardo sends me his usual grin but I could see the darkness in his eyes. The beast that was hardly kept at leash is now begging to be released.

My fathers words must have hit home to him.

Vittorio clears his throat before us and sends a look at my father who suddenly seems to be backing away with a expression that can only be defined as a fear. Even though it is not strong it is there in his eyes.

The almighty Giovanni Hernandez is scared of Vittorio and I have no idea why.

But that's an issue for another day. The undercurrent of the rage my fathers words provoked in me simmer under the surface until they pour off me in waves as we turn our back and leave the mansion.

I know I am a possessive man but the intensity with which I was hit when I thought about Clara always surprised me.

It wasn't necessarily a bad thing because everyone should understand that she's mine.

Mine to keep.

Mine to protect.

Simply mine.

My wife would hold the reputation of mine both in our world and the outside world. She's just a pawn in my game. The mother to my heir. The Capo Donna to my Capo. That's it.

But the look in her eyes sends alarm bells ringing in my head. I have to make it clear to her that this is nothing but a transaction for me.

A move in the chessboard I have been making for years.

A responsibility as the Capo of the Italian mafia.

Any other feelings are not allowed in this.



The drive to the Desire -our strip club- where my bachelors party was being held at was silent. The three of us were lost in our heads, which was never a good thing.

The three of us drank more than usual. Drowning ourselves in alcohol until the burn in our bodies dimmed to a low flame. The more that I thought about Clara, the more I drank.

"What do you think sister in law would be if she's not tied to our world?" Riccardo's words slur a little as he chugs another glass of bourbon.

"A doctor. Or probably a nurse." I reply absentmindedly.

Clara has this aura of a natural caretaker. A soother. She is kind, patient and soft.


Oh she is so fucking soft. Her body when she was pressed against my back. Her beautiful feminine curves, soft, perfect breasts with hard nipples, soft lips that were pressed against my cheek.

And with that thought I am instantly hard as fuck.

No other girl has ever made me hard with a fucking kiss on the cheek. Not even when I was a fucking teenager.

Shifting a little I drown a glass of whiskey. Feeling eyes on me, I turn towards Vittorio who's looking at me with that calculative gaze of his.

Any other would have backed down or felt like an animal in a zoo but I just return his gaze with a similar of mine.

Sighing he looks away and swirls his glass of bourbon. "Is she going to be a problem?" he asks.

"No." I say and he gives me a doubtful glance and resumes swirling his drink.

"You guys are no fun tonight." Riccardo pouts as he again drags the last word out.

"We are not fun in any night." Vittorio replies throwing the word fun as if it is an insult to him.

A hoarse chuckle leaves my lips at Riccardo's pout and sad eyes. That dramatic asshole.

"The devil can laugh." he widens his eyes almost comically and I roll my eyes along with Vittorio who also seems to be smiling a little now.

I don't remember a moment in my life when I was truly happy but right now with my asshole brothers by my side is the closest I've come to it.

These fuckers are my brothers, my family and I would give my life away just to protect them.

My protective streaks apply for them as well ,and now it looks like Clara Diaz has also joined them.

Tomorrow I would take a vow to protect her till death does us apart. And no matter what happens, I would at-least do good to that vow.

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