Chapter 2

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Sebastian Hernandez

(age: 18 years old)

"I can't fucking believe him." Riccardo my fifteen year old brother curses as he storms into my hotel room. He pauses his stride when he finds me and Vittorio on the couch playing chess. "Are you both fucking serious?" He seethes walking over to us.

"We are." My second brother replies in that ever so calm voice of his. Even though he is a year younger than me I can positively say that he is the only fucker who can make me slightly unsettled.

And that does say something since everything my father has put me through it is fair to say that nothing effects me anymore.

Killing men and women, bullet holes in my body, ripping a heart out of a body, torture(both implementing and being implemented at), arson(that my youngest brother specializes in), I've seen every gruesome scene a man could see in a lifetime.

And so did my brothers.

We all have been through shit we don't tell each other.

Our scars ran deeper than physical wounds.

And something tells me that Vittorio's scars are way deeper than any of ours are.

"And what do you think of your fucking child bride brother?" My jaw clenches as Riccardo's voice breaking me out of my thoughts.

"There is nothing to think." I say evenly, but my blood boils at the reminder of what that old man had chosen for me. A bride.

A fucking fourteen year old girl.

A wave of emotions burn through me as I remember that innocent little girl looking up at me with those blue eyes of her. She didn't deserve this.

Too bad because once you are in this world there is no backing out.

"Well, I just heard that he is going to get you married when she is fifteen-"

"No." Vittorio speaks up his eyes meeting mine then Riccardo's.

"We can't just say a damn no and you know that nobody in the famiglia is going to bat an fucking eye as the wedding takes place no matter how unfair it fucking is." Riccardo sighs as he throws himself onto the couch beside Vittorio.

He was right. No one in the famiglia would go against their Capo. 

Giovanni Hernandez ruled with an iron fist never letting anything or anyone go out of his control. Everything that happens in Italy is either dictated by him or done under his subordinates.

But there was one thing that the old man underestimated.

The traditionalists that were a major part of the mafia.

They were fine with everything my father did as long as it brought us profit and  kept us at the top of the chain but lately rumors were spread that famiglia was associated with children trafficking.

It was just rumors.

For now.

That fucking bastard has allowed the children traffickers to pass though our routes in return for something I didn't knew. Yet.

"I did something." I say as I move my knight in front of Vittorio's queen. My both brothers narrow their eyes at me and a small smirk tugs up at my lips at their don't-tell-me-it-is-what-i-think-it-is expression. "Checkmate by the way." I say and lean back into my seat.

"Again?" Riccardo scoffs and Vittorio rolls his eyes and then looks at me with his calculating gaze.

"You told them." He says as if he already knows what I've done. I just shrug because yeah I fucking did it. It is about time. I know the risk I took because I can not just do nothing about our situation. Both of them look at me with both understanding and anger simmering in their eyes.

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