CHAPTER 831-840

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Chapter 831: Ah Li?

After that, Lu Huaiyu accompanied Shen Li to the laboratory building of the Institute of Physics.

He stopped walking and looked at the time. Then, with a smile on his face, he caressed Shen Li’s hair and said, “It really was a shortcut so we’re not too late.”

Shen Li kept quiet.

So, this man had already planned ahead and had used the extra time that they had saved while they were going along the path to do other things.

Lu Huaiyu’s gaze met her eyes as he paused to think for a moment. Seeming to understand something, he slid the palm of his hand down and cupped the side of her face. Pressing his thumb lightly against her lips, he said with a low laugh,”I paid attention just now. No one should have noticed it.”

Shen Li replied, “… I don’t–”

“Hey, Huaiyu?”

A deep and laughing voice was heard.

Lu Huaiyu paused and looked up.

At the same time, Shen Li turned around and saw a slightly plump middle-aged man in his forties walking over.

The sky was dark, but Shen Li found him rather familiar.

Lu Huaiyu quickly answered the question in her mind.

“Dean Wu.”

The middle-aged man chuckled. As his gaze fell on Shen Li, he could not help but click his tongue.

“I believe you’ve been to the Institute of Physics more times than you’ve been to our institute, haven’t you?”

Shen Li immediately realized the identity of this person. He was the director of the Xijing University Institute of Economics and Management, Wu Lin.

Lu Huaiyu did not seem bothered about his teasing. Instead, his gaze fell on the Thermos flask in his hand.

“Are you here to deliver soup to Professor Sun again?”

Professor Sun Yi from the Institute of Physics was Wu Lin’s wife.

Wu Lin snorted lightly.

“Her team has been so busy with a new research project recently that they don’t even have time to eat. If I didn’t come, she probably would have forgotten to eat again.”

As he said this, he was full of resentment.

“I don’t know what’s going on with these people from the Institute of Physics, but they seem to be getting busier and busier every day!”

Hearing this, Lu Huaiyu nodded in agreement.

“You’re right. She– They are very busy.”

Shen Li stayed quiet.

Hearing that Lu Huaiyu had agreed with him, Wu Lin recalled that this kid had also found a girlfriend at the Institute of Physics. He could not help but feel some empathy for him, and the desire to confide in him rose.

“That’s right! Tell me, what are they busy with all day? They leave early in the day and return late. Sometimes, they even spend a few days in the lab, without even caring about their home!”

“Is their project that important? Are their experiments that important?”

“It’s not that I don’t want her to do her research, but a person can’t spend all their time and energy on that, right? Am I not busy as well?”

Lu Huaiyu nodded with a faint smile as he listened.

Shen Li listened quietly as she stood by his side.

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